Title: Mysterious passageways...Wednesday 4th january 8pm GMT Post by: Vince Valentine on January 03, 2006, 10:00:45 am When Wednesday 4th January 8pm GMT
Where Rally outside the barracks What to bring Full uniform, bandages, provisions and ye torches Vince sips his ale slowly as he listens to the two men on the next table speaking in hushed voices at the Minoc tavern... He manages to pick up a little of what they say "Hidden passages.....the mountains near Honesty....." Righ' Guardsmen, after all tha' booze an' grub durin' the festive season, i reckon ye need somethin' te get ye back in shape eh? Well, i 'ave just th' thing! We'll be takin' a trip te th' mountains near Honesty, te look for a passageway that supposedly leads deep inte th' terrain. If we do indeed find this passage, there's nay tellin' wha' lurks inside, so be ready fer anythin'! *Signed* Vince Valentine Officer Cadet |