Title: Cooking competition, 10/01/2006, 9 P.M. - Nu'Jelm Post by: Odenetheus on January 08, 2006, 03:41:37 pm Bring out your tools, bring out your skills, but foremost, bring out your imagination!
Gather at the palace entrance in Nujel'M for a cooking competition! The Collegium shall supply food types and a theme. Be there at nine P.M., and remember to bring aprons. [OOC: We will judge how you cook it, and have a sampling as well, by how you cook it, we mean RP-wise, a fine example is the person who accidently set fire to himself, et cetera. You don't actually NEED cooking skill for this, just buy a cake or whatever from a baker/innkeeper/barkeep and bring it, and then RP cooking it. *Signed* Collegium Ditio Potentia Lex, the Board of Monitors, Maestro Odenetheus |