Title: Keeping the Orcs in check. Post by: Vincent Redfield on January 11, 2006, 12:00:06 am Tonight, the 10th of January, after a brief gate sentry where a certain 'Black Brigand' attacked..*ahem*. Kas Valentine led us to the orc fort with the incentive of bringing back 10,000 crowns for our coffers!
Attending[/b] Kas Valentine, leading. Vincent Redfield Shang Tsung Marie Le Blanc To be honest, there isnt much to report without going off on a rant of how incredibly amazing I am, but, thats for another day. The four of us acted as one, and liberated ten thousand crowns in a time frame that was surprising to even us. Choppers, Lords, Scouts, and mages were cut down almost as quickly as they sprung up, the only minor inconvienience being the Brutes...which were put down in only a bit longer time. The proof is in the painting, folks. (http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/558/vfsotm0wm.png) (http://imageshack.us) All in all, 10,000 + coins were liberated, only minor injuries sustained, healing was amazing, and teamwork unmatched. Well done, all, mission success! The amazing, Vince Redfield Title: Re: Keeping the Orcs in check. Post by: Kas Valentine on January 11, 2006, 12:16:21 am A finely penned report Redfield, you captured the spirit of the hunt superbly, bravo !
*signed neatly in flamboyant writing* Junior Guardsman Kas Valentine. |