Title: *For Thomas Sendrich* Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on January 11, 2006, 04:28:34 pm A small falcon swoops into Tom's house and drops a piece of rolled up parchment onto his desk, a bit of straggly twine is keeping it together, Tom picks it up and reads.
Dear Aprentice, I 'ave teh followin' orders fer ye teh comple'e: Take a group o' four or more guardsmen wi' ye teh em lowes' level of Covetous where teh Liche's be. When ye arrive there ah wan's ye teh slay meh ten of teh beas's. Then ah wan' ye teh destroy teh throne in there. Once done ah wan' a full repor' done fer teh boards. This will coun' towards yeh promotions, ah wan' yeh in yer Staple Bel' sooner rather than la'er, do nay fail meh apprentice... teh consiquences involve a club an' severe pain! Signed: Anari, Regular Guardsman Covian Millitia... (OOC: Only Thomas will know about this IC, unless he tells you, do not mention it In Game.) Title: Re: *For Thomas Sendrich* Post by: Samuel West on January 11, 2006, 06:14:37 pm Hunt To Covetous!
Lead: Tom Sendrich, Junior Attended: Cor'Ari' Tar, Junior Scout Leloo, Watchman- Got lost half way through and on returnin' i found a note sayin' she has left the malitia. Anari, Regular Darath Mithar, Junior Valiro, Scout Sargeant Bayne, Recruit Delcrackadur, Junior We lined up an' were just abou' ta leave when anari pulled ou' a dusty book an' told us all ta use i' ta ge' ta the mountin' an' so we did, an' when we go' there i explained wha' we were goin' ta do an' then we wen' in... (http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/669/uopics00018ak.jpg) (http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/5921/uopics00022gi.jpg) We serched around a bi' an' came to many dangers, bu' we over came them all. we killed meneh beast such as Elder gazers an' water elementals. An' we serched for a long time... (http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/3024/uopics00046oj.jpg) (http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/413/uopics00052zl.jpg) An' then we came to an exit tha' lead us ou'side. An' next to the hole was some kinda black soul. I' jus' stood there an' ignored us starin' a' the other side of the mountin'. (http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/9463/uopics00075uo.jpg) An' as we proceded down the valley we were Ambushed!. Hundreds of skeltonal warriors appeared an' attacked us. However we cu' them down easily. (http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/2093/uopics00147lg.jpg) Then we came to the entrance of the Liche's lair! I lined the men up an' sen' a scou' in ta check the entrance. they came back sayin' tha' the place was crawlin' with Liche's. We all said our prayers an' wen' in... There we was attacked by hundreds of foul an' evil liche's! After a long struggle we managed ta kill them. (http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/9096/uopics00181iz.jpg) Then we wen' forward an' came to a narrow hallway where we were attacked again. (http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/4809/uopics00191na.jpg) The we entered a Massive hall... Li' by torches. an' in the center there was the thron! I slowly aproached i' an' swang me axe a' i' Shatterin' the chair to pieces! (http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/2052/uopics00214ju.jpg) I then ordered us ou' of there. When we go' back we had a talk an' i dismissed them. (http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/1578/uopics00269zg.jpg) Title: Re: *For Thomas Sendrich* Post by: Tweeso Pebble on January 11, 2006, 06:24:40 pm A good report!
Thought It Still misses some details to make it a perfect! Try get those details but actully just detail your story more. *Signed* Scout Sergeant Valiro Gryphonclaw |