Title: Joey's Heroic Efforts (Part 4) Post by: Joey Lanai on January 12, 2006, 08:20:34 pm Joey's Heroic Efforts (Part 4)
Never Fear, Joey's 'ere !! Joey woke in his bunk, a loud pecking noise at the door, what the hell was that? "I know!" Joey thought, "I's mus' be those lassies comin' t'congratulate me f'savin' the North!", with that thought in mind, he shot up from his bed and answered the door, only to be a small chicken standing there. "Ah, i's only ye Franky.." Joey said, the little chicken plodded into his 'shack' and hopped up onto the spare seat next to the bed and bucked a few times at Joey, "Aye ah know, ye's wan' somethin' t'eat", Joey reached for a small bag on the desk, removed a small corn looking object and hurled it into the air, Franky was the only chicken who could fly for short periods of time and also catch a tasty treat. After Joey had donned his uniform, the two set outside, "B-buck buck BUCKAR!" Franky said in chickenese, "Ye wha' Franky? oh aye, we's 'avin' that competition today! i'll show the lassies i's more a man then ye!" replied Joey, "Buuurrrk burk burk burk burk burk" said the tiny chicken, "...Aye i know's ye's a Chicken, ahm nay stupid!", "Burk burk burk!", "Hrm.. wha' ye heard?!". And that was that! the pair were ready, it was time to head out on their journey to "Save the day" (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//hero4a.JPG) They ventured into the woodland, a wild Cat crossed their path, "Aha! this ones mine!", Joey chased down the beast and killed it, but then turned to see a huge Grizzly bear corpse laying at Franky's little chicken feet.. "Damn it!" Joey said. They continued on their journey, trying to prove one bigger then the other, their little adventure even led them to the murky dark dungeon of Destard, home of some of the most viscious beasts in Britainia! (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//hero4b.JPG) Franky bests Joey again! After gathering the claws off the beast, the pair headed back to town to boast their glorious battle to the townsfolk, cheers were heard, and a crowd formed around Joey, where he told them the valiant story of how -he- killed the fearsome beast, how -he- slay the giant dragon of Destard, though Franky was frankly not amused! (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//hero4c.JPG) Which he proclaimed to Joey afterward, but was shortly dismissed... (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//hero4d.JPG) Or was it...? (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//hero5e.JPG) The End....? ====================================== If you enjoyed this, be sure to read the previous Parts ! Part 3 (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,2988.0.html) Part 2 (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,2452.0.html) Part 1 (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,1454.0.html) Title: Re: Joey's Heroic Efforts (Part 4) Post by: Jenifer Feather on January 12, 2006, 09:23:23 pm Har, Joey's ALWAYS on the case!