Title: Recent Scout Report! Post by: Tweeso Pebble on January 14, 2006, 12:44:46 am [OOC for those who've not been told IC] Some shady things was Guarded well by some Trinsicans. They even managed to shoot those who came close to keep 'em off from the grounds. (http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/7655/tshoot9fh.gif) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This were most interesting knowledge that I'm afraid we were unable to indentify. A small amount of "Items , things , stuff" were carried on a Packhorse. We were not able to open the pack of the horse but to secure nothing bad were going on we had to eliminate the Packhorse among with the Pack. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (http://img484.imageshack.us/img484/4834/deadhorse7fo.gif) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy Scouts have also found out that a Hospitaller have found the "Fontain". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (http://img488.imageshack.us/img488/5449/hospitaller0xm.gif) *Signed* Scout Sergeant Valiro Gryphonclaw Cove Milita & Command |