Title: Gryphonclaw's Specialization Training * MOVED to 19:30 GMT Wednesday 18/1 2006* Post by: Tweeso Pebble on January 14, 2006, 12:35:51 pm Time for another Training!
This time we'll continue the Tactic Mastery and start with some new things. This training will include new things as : * Squad Fighting (depends on numbers) * Skirmish Fighting (In groups) * Weapons in diffrent situations (Ben had one of those , We'll advance it) * An ending Battle Game to show off! (Always some fun in the last!) So come to.... Where: Cove Docks When: 19:30 Bring: Many Weapons , Armor , Bandages Date: 18/1 Advanced Combat Training to fix those last Details! Note: After the Training I will go through a few important Scouting things. So for Scouts make sure you can stay awhile after the training aswell. *Signed* Scout Sergeant Valiro Gryphonclaw Cove Militia & Command |