Title: Hunt to Wrong! Post by: Ben Radau on January 15, 2006, 02:27:09 pm For my promotions 2 reports are still needed - so I went to the Barracks and was able to find some volunteers for a small hunt to Wrong led by myself.
Those braves were: Kas Valentine, Junior Guardsman, Kal ShadowHand, Officer Cadet, Bayne, Guardsman Recruit, Dasīnord reck, Recruit, Malaki, serf. To make it short: the trip was hart, brutal, filled with blood and pain.... but fortunately most of it against the Jukkas,although we also paid a price for being too optimistical in some moments. We gathered around 13k of gold, which was partly used for the choffers, and some of the gold went to the soldiers to cope the reagents losses, for most of us were mages :c). (http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/8674/hunt14gg.jpg) (http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/5106/hunt23iw.jpg) |