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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Samuel West on January 21, 2006, 04:24:22 pm

Title: Hunt To Hyloth!
Post by: Samuel West on January 21, 2006, 04:24:22 pm
Lead: Tom Sendrich, Junior

Attended: Rupert Ridir, Junior Grenadier
                 Bayne, Watchman
                 Geit, Watchman
                 Jack, Recruit

We wen' ta hyloth 'cause we had naythin' else ta do, Anari 'ad just finished 'is patrol an' we was bored, so off we wen'. Go' there an' walked around a bi'. Nay found much bu' lo's of hellish dogs tha' hept bi'in' meh. So we adventured around an' afentualeh found this room with the wierdest beast i 'ad seen... an' they attacked us! We killed 'em quickleh though... Naythin' can stand the migh' of the Armeh! Anyhow, We walked around a bi' killin' lo's of annoyin' li'le imp like thin's 'till we go' bored an' returned 'om.


Tom Sendrich, Junior

ooc: Sorry for the lack of pictures, Imageshack wouldn't host them