Title: Sentry at Cove Barrocks Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on January 23, 2006, 07:19:14 am Lead by:
Kas Valentine-Junior Guardsman Attending: Vince Valentine-Officer Cadet Rupret Ridir-Junior Grenadier Delcarakdur-Junior Guarsman Nicholi-Watchman Jack Sinist-Guardsman Recruit Kas Valentine decided to lead a small sentry outside of the Cove Barrocks. We fortified the area quickly though the silly recruit forgot his Parade arm we still held well. (http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/2133/sssentry17xf.jpg) After completion of the fortifcation, we under went a hand full of attacks by fellow Guardsmen and Gregor Eason. The men tested us with a series of attacks, Eason on horseback, Chaffers, and Kal Shadowhand stealthing about. We held strong although the recruit fell easily. (http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/3680/sssentry30tx.jpg) Shortly after the test, Kas had us disasemble the sentry and pack up our things. (http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/1894/sssentry27zx.jpg) Considering all things good and bad, I believe this was a successful sentry and well lead. *nods twice* *Signed* Nicholi Ravnthorn Watchman Title: Re: Sentry at Cove Barrocks Post by: Vince Valentine on January 23, 2006, 08:53:37 am Good stuff! A fine report, and an excellently lead sentry *Nods firmly*
Soon we shall see ye with a junior badge eh Nicholi? *Signed* Vince Valentine Officer Cadet |