Title: Gate Sentry Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on January 23, 2006, 05:40:39 pm THE COVE GATE SENTRY
Leading Guardsman: Kal ShadowHand, Officer Cadet Attending Guardsmen: Anari, Regular Dragoon Jack Sinist, Watchman We's all worked tehgether teh make em Sentreh... While ah rode orf teh fetch some 'ides teh other two made em frame o' em Sentreh. When ah arrived back weh pu' teh finishin' touches on em sentreh... et was comple'e... weh took our positions an' wai'ed... an' wai'ed... an'... well, ye ge's et... (http://img498.imageshack.us/img498/5567/gatesentry00010oq.jpg) ...and waited... and waited... and waited... When ah go' bored o' wai'in' aroond an' go' sufficien'leh cold, ah asked fer permission teh 'ave a look round em Coveshire fer some lurkin' baddies... though et seemed clear enough, there was somethin' strange aboot teh wind ah fel' on meh neck... (http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/4954/gatesentry00035hm.jpg) Seems clear... Ah returned an' gave teh news of teh Coveshire bein' clear... we wai'ed fer a bi' longer, ge'in' colder an' colder, (though meh an' Kal 'ad a noice cha'...) t'il foinalleh, Kal dismissed us an' weh cleared away... Signed: Anari, Regular Dragoon Covian Millitia... Title: Re: Gate Sentry Post by: Kal/Mathew on January 23, 2006, 05:55:54 pm (Walks by and reads the report)
Ahh a foine report ye did Anari, Keep et up. Signed Officer Cadet: Kal ShadowHand |