Title: Gate Sentry! Post by: Bayne on January 24, 2006, 04:43:58 pm Attending:
-Bayne, Watchman (Leader) -Cor'Ari Ta, Junior Scout -Anari, Regular Dragoon -Olchaffa Serpernt, Junior Scout -Chopper, Citizen (Crafter) A quiet sentry was to be had this afternoon as we stood guard in the winter sun. The only visitor to Cove being the lovely lady Jessica in a variety of dresses! I think she was tryin' to impress me she was! Anyway with the amount of sentries held this week, Cove is much the safer place! Huzzah! (http://i1.tinypic.com/mj0b9t.jpg) Signed, Bayne, Watchman and Ranger of the Covian Army. |