Title: Promo-Tour on DRACHENFELS, Fri 27.01., 1930 GMT Post by: Ben Radau on January 24, 2006, 07:24:24 pm Greetings "noble" warriors!
For I finally made a decision I think I will stay in the Covian Army, at least if our Commander agrees after some talks. Nevertheless I need to fast become a scout to never again have to follow the order of a dragoon *spits on the floor* so I want to do my last part of the trial as fast as possible. When: Friday, 27.01., 1930 GMT (if I am correct this is 2030 dwarven [OOC German /OOC] time... Where: the bank in Luna, on the shard DRACHENFELS. What do you have to do: just find a way for at least your soul, if your body refuses, to get to the shard. Once there take over the body of an innocent inhabitant of DRACHENFELS and move to Luna. There you get Covian standard leather uniforms... no Scout or Highlander or Grenadier stuff, we donīt want to confuse any volunteers. What: For Luna is the most crowded town over some periods of time, we will do some parading, handing out of leaflets, and hand out some alcohol... maybe we can force a drunk "victim" to sign... *grins* See you all there! Title: Re: Promo-Tour on DRACHENFELS, Fri 27.01., 1930 GMT Post by: Ben Radau on January 26, 2006, 09:49:15 am Interested please write a short notice below, so I can try to prepare more equipment if needed.
Title: Re: Promo-Tour on DRACHENFELS, Fri 27.01., 1930 GMT Post by: Ben Radau on January 27, 2006, 07:41:07 am If noone signs, Iīll canīt follow the Commanders orders for the trial. Come on lads, only 30 minutes with your soul on another shard wonīt hurt you!!
Title: Re: Promo-Tour on DRACHENFELS, Fri 27.01., 1930 GMT Post by: Samuel West on January 27, 2006, 08:01:51 am Now ye's know how i fel' when i 'ad ta do i'...
Ye lazeh bums!!! *Signed* Tom Sendrich, Regular Highlander P.S. Does not neceseraly mean i will attend. Title: Re: Promo-Tour on DRACHENFELS, Fri 27.01., 1930 GMT Post by: Vince Valentine on January 27, 2006, 09:49:40 am I'll be there Watchman *Nods firmly*
'ave a grenadier uniform ready fer me eh? *Winks* *Signed* Vince Valentine Officer Cadet Title: Re: Promo-Tour on DRACHENFELS, Fri 27.01., 1930 GMT Post by: Gregor Eason on January 27, 2006, 04:27:06 pm Wadda wadda?
I'll be there, Radau! Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer Covian Army & Baronship Council Title: Re: Promo-Tour on DRACHENFELS, Fri 27.01., 1930 GMT Post by: Leofwin Edmundson on January 27, 2006, 07:40:08 pm *Out of breathe*
Have I missed it? I'll be there *wheezes* |