Title: Report: Trianing in Ilshnar Post by: Dylan on January 24, 2006, 11:08:49 pm A Brutal Training in the Lands of Ilshnar
Led By: Olchafa, Junior Scout Present: Edward, Watchman Jack Sinst, Watchman Vince Valentine, Officaer Cadet Joey Lanai, Dragoon Corporal Gantoris, Watchman Valiro, Scour Seargant Dylan Freewater, Guardsman recruit The trianin' started at the beautiful barracks where Olchafa briefed us on what would be 'appenin', well 'e told us where we were orf, an' with the help o' some magicy portals tha' oi nay much loiked we got ter the land of Ilshnar an' into some wide open spaces ter train our battlin' skills. (http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/8169/training14vl.jpg) the location is set.. Then we were separated inter teams, Blue ream an' Red team, Oi was on blue team with Glantors an' Jack, oi think... Then later joined by Val, an' Joey, Team Blue were th' bes' team... Blue team was defending first an' this proved ter be easy work, wit' Glantoris' magical powers an' our foiting prowes we crushed the attackin' force, wit' a tremendous flankin' manouver by Jack an' meself, (thought of by meh!).. (http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/1664/training27xk.jpg) The epic battles begin... The it was red teams turn to defend, again, this proved easier than attacking an' the attacking force was driven away a fair few times, the thin' we learned in training was ter stick together, it can save yer loif, no man is an islan' or somthin' loik tha'... (http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/6894/training35me.jpg) Red teams valiant defence.. A grand time was 'ad by all tha' attended an' oi enjoyed meh first day in the Army, a hunt ter Wrong, AND trainin' What a day! Signed: Dylan Freewater Title: Re: Report: Trianing in Ilshnar Post by: Delcarakdur on January 24, 2006, 11:41:38 pm Excellent first time report lad! Good Sketches an' all....
*signed* Regular Highlander Delcarakdur Title: Re: Report: Trianing in Ilshnar Post by: Gregor Eason on January 25, 2006, 12:40:36 am There are some interesting Training techniques being produced. T'is good to see!
And well done on ye first Report, Recruit! Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer Covian Army & Baronship Council Title: Re: Report: Trianing in Ilshnar Post by: Vince Valentine on January 25, 2006, 08:48:22 am Good stuff Dylan,
and a top notch training session chaffers! *signed* Vince Valentine Officer Cadet |