Title: Covian Baths! 16.00pm GMT, Saturday 11/02/06 Post by: Bayne on January 25, 2006, 12:26:19 pm Alright you filthy lot! It's that time again! there've been rumours of the plague returning so we must head it off before it's too late! Every member of Cove whether they be in the army or citizenship will be expected to turn up to the baths on sunday and wash themselves thoroughly clean! there will be two different baths one for the girls an' one for the boys so no excuses!
Also I will be leading a patrol around the town to kill off the nasty rat infestation that's sprung up again and any spare members of the army will be put to a gate sentry to make sure anyone wishin' to enter Cove must go through the baths first! Be there or be a plaguebearer! Signed, Bayne, Watchman and Ranger of the Covian Army. OOC: Moved to Saturday 11th at 4PM Title: Re: Covian Baths! Saturday 28/1 16:00 Post by: Gregor Eason on January 25, 2006, 05:45:11 pm KILL ALL RATS!
And beware the Rat King... Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer Covian Army & Baronship Council Title: Re: Covian Baths! *Postponed!* Post by: Bayne on January 28, 2006, 01:16:32 pm Postponed until further notice.