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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Hrothgar on February 08, 2005, 09:23:40 pm

Title: Myths and Folk Tales
Post by: Hrothgar on February 08, 2005, 09:23:40 pm
*You walk into the tavern late at night, it is dark inside with only a few candles lit. In the corner you see an old man in a brown shroud of some sort*

*The man looks at you*

So ye've come teh hear me famed stories, eh? Well sit down and shut up then, cause i aint here teh listen, thats yer job...

I'll start with tellin ye the story of "Mount Draconian"...

You see, the large mountain that shields Cove from the western winds has quite an interesting story behind it.  Y'se the mountains name is "Mount Draconian" and if ye listen to my story, ye'll know why...

Ages ago when the town of Cove did not formally exist, the mountain that is there today was not at that time.  Cove was a large stone fortress and surrounding it was water and a massive barricade. Within this Fortress lived a mighty wizard, no one knows the name of the wizard but some rumour that he was Keldor  the founder of the Covian church, which is quite absurd since this was long before his time.

Anyway, the wizard specialized in all sorts of alchemy and the creation of powerfull substances such as golems and hell hounds. One of the experiments that the Wizard did was teh breed the worlds largest and fierce dragon. He collected a dragon egg and implemented all sorts of weird things, ah dun know whah but it was some science thingy...

He attempted this for years and years until finally a living dragon hatched out of the egg, even though he was yet a hatchling he looked fierce and mighty. Years passed and the dragon began to grow, fifteen winters of age the dragon had become the size of the bleedin fortress! Anyway the dragon was strong and fierce BUT he had what other dragons lacked, a great intelligent mind. As the Dragons strength and mind grew, so did his independance and eventually the dragon turned on his master. The beast burned down the fortress but was not able to kill the sorceror. This un named sorceror tried an' he tried teh come up with a solution teh kill the bleedin beast! But alas, t'was not possible. This dragon was the most powerfull of any beasts ever to walk the Sosarian grounds. But Wizards aye bein as smart as they are an' all that he came up with a solution to end the Dragons reign.

The wizard produced a powerfull spell that would turn any living creature into stone, but the dragon was far too large for the spell to have any effect so the Wizard worked day and night to multiply the spells powers. The spell was finished and with it the beast was banished into a prison of stone for the end of existance.

Legend tells that ever one hundred years a powerfull miner is born with the skill of releasing the dragon from its eternal prison...

Thus the mountain that surrounds our beloved town is named "Mount Draconian"....

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Title: Re: Myths and Folk Tales
Post by: Hrothgar on February 19, 2005, 03:28:09 am
So you return, eh? My stories have awoken an interest within yer mind.... ?

 Hrm... Whats that? The Black Wizard? Hrm... yes ofcourse i know of him.... if there is anything in Cove worth telling the tale of... then i know it...

Anyway.... Like most or all people i do not know all the facts of The Black Wizard but i know this, he aint in Cove.... *The man grinds his teeth* for ye see thousunds of years ago he was banished to slumber in the deepest of halls under the island of Ice... 

It is said that he is a being of grave natural powers, that when ye look him in the eye blood begins to leak from yer own eyes and a loud cutting scream overwhelms yer ears...  A few have attempted to come in contact with him... All of them... Dissapeared.... *The man Grins*

Who or what he is? I nay know but certain folk seem teh think he is some sort of powerfull daemon, others say that  he is a great Ancient Wyrm trapped within mortal form...  A creature of mysterious origin 'e is...  And if ye want teh know more, i'd suggest ye make yer way teh Ice isle...