Title: A task for Seamus Post by: Samuel West on January 28, 2006, 09:38:19 pm Seamus you have been a watchman too long. Almost as long as I was. So you are going to get promoted!
With a patrol and Hunt after! Conditions: Only Seamus may lead this. Two reports must be posted on this thread about the sentry and hunt. A report must be posted on the patrol log as well Seamus must write the reports. Now get on with it! *Signed* Tom Sendrich, Regular Guardsman Title: Re: A task for Seamus Post by: Seamus on January 30, 2006, 05:52:15 pm Gate sentry duty:
Led by Watchman Seamus In attendence: Vince valentine Officer Cadet Kal Shadowhand Officer Cadet Geit Arma Guardsmen Recruit Delcarakdur Regular Highlander It was a quite afternoon in the Covian shire with very little happening but a growing fear in the back of mind about the lack of defences in town compelled me to do something to increase protection and get the militia in action. I sounded a horn at the Barracks and quickly a handful of eager Covians had showed up for duty so i ordered everyone to the town gates where we would build a huge sentry that would keep any enemies at bay for a long time. I began construction of the sentry but was quickly informed by Delcarakdur that i was doing it wrong so with his help we changed the design and created a new super sentry of incredible strenght.(http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2010/sentry9cf8bh.jpg) Very little happened whilst we manned the sentry but an odd looking fellow kept coming through claiming he was cutting logs so he was allowed to past. After a long period of time it was decieded Cove was safe for another day and the men left for some well earned sleep. ooc i hope this report is okay its my first one so it might be a bit dodgy. Title: Re: A task for Seamus Post by: Samuel West on January 30, 2006, 08:39:08 pm Good report Seamus.
*Signed* Tom Sendrich, Regular Guardsman Title: Re: A task for Seamus Post by: Gregor Eason on January 31, 2006, 12:08:28 am FINALLY! A Report! And it was good.
Good effort! Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer Covian Army & Baronship Council Title: Re: A task for Seamus Post by: Samuel West on February 01, 2006, 07:33:18 pm Just because Eason said it was a good report does not meen you don't have to do the rest.
*Signed* Tom Sendrich, Regular Guardsman Title: Re: A task for Seamus Post by: Samuel West on February 03, 2006, 08:50:54 pm *Searches for the other reports... Can't find them so picks up his club and goes to find Seamus.*
Title: Re: A task for Seamus Post by: Samuel West on February 07, 2006, 07:13:45 pm *Angraly moves the note to the front of the board!*