Title: Recruit Cadre/Excess Training Post by: Kurt Alimar/Markus on January 31, 2006, 11:27:23 pm Recruit Cadre/Excess Training
(http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y76/Attila0410/Trainingpicture.jpg) Lead By: Regular Highlander, Kurt Alimar Attended: Guardsman Recruit, Dermott Eason Guardsman Recruit, Max O'Munpain Summary: A very well performed recruit cadre I must say the recruits worked together, and very hard individually. I surprized them with ten laps around the ring at the very beginning. I spoke pushed them made them feel they had to prove me wrong with all their being. Then I gave them an inventory pack check, which they had good amount of. Then I gave them a healing exercise, and then a test of their bonds which they passed exceptionally. I gave them the task too knock me, and never said anything about healing your partner. They choose their partner to keep up rather then keep the knock to their selves. Knowing that if you stick together you can defeat a superior warrior. Afterwards I recpped on what they learned, they learned alot I must say. *Trust Exercise* (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y76/Attila0410/training.jpg) *Covians Salute* (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y76/Attila0410/Dismissed.jpg) *Signed* Kurt Alimar, Regular Guardsman |