Title: Apprentice tasks: Max O'Munpain - COMPLETE Post by: Delcarakdur on February 01, 2006, 12:34:08 am Apprentice tasks:
Greetings my young apprentice. I have a couple of tasks for you to complete in order to bring you closer to your watchman promotion: 2. a. The cove swamps. I expect a full report to be drafted and posted on top of this notice. *signed* Your mentor, Regular Highlander Delcarakdur Title: Re: Apprentice tasks: Max O'Munpain Post by: Delcarakdur on February 28, 2006, 09:24:28 am This task is to be considered complete once that report and the last patrol is done.
Please but the report on this on top of this Max. *signed* Officer Cadet Delcarakdur of the 3rd Glenmore Highlanders Title: Re: Apprentice tasks: Max O'Munpain Post by: Max O Munpain on February 28, 2006, 09:46:44 pm *As Max meanders around the barracks a scraggly note barely still on the board flaps in the breeze and attracts his attention*
Oh mongbats! i forgot me report! *he exclaimed and quickly pulled a quill, some ink and a shoddy piece of parchment from his pack, then resting them on the stone of the steps he scrawlled in a much blotched and strained effort at writing* My apologies i can nay remember who were there except me and ye sah but i did this here outpost and once i had established me fort i did take a small scouting party up towards yew. We journeyed as far as the finall bridge on the road to yew before we sat watch for the night and returned with the dawn. Twas a simple patrole and bar a few brigands did nay see much to worry about, certainly nay activity from yew at the time. Once again my apologies Max O'Munpain. *corking his ink max quickly sprinkles a little sand on the parchment to dry the ink and pins it to the notice on the board, as he walks away the wind flips the note and inky wet sand splatters all over the board.* Title: Re: Apprentice tasks: Max O'Munpain Post by: Delcarakdur on March 01, 2006, 10:46:56 am *grumbles as he reads the report*
*sits down and begins to scribble a short note. Then takes out a stamp and stamps the Papers "Done"* A bit mediocre report Max. I hope to see something better from you in the future. *signed* Delcarakdur, Officer Cadet of the 3rd Glenmore Highlanders |