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In Character Boards => Character Profiles => Topic started by: Max O Munpain on February 01, 2006, 02:47:59 pm

Title: Max O'Munpain
Post by: Max O Munpain on February 01, 2006, 02:47:59 pm
Max is a simple lad from a village on the coast between cove and vesper.  This village of fishermen, some-times raiders bears much resemblance to Vikings and this is reflected in Max.  Quick to anger Max is also quick to forgive but if you make a friend of Max he will be you friend no matter what, even should you attack him it is unsure if he would fall out with you or see it as some strong sparing action!  Being a simple lad Max, who is by no means stupid, is highly distrustfull of things he doesn't understand.  As such he is uncomfortable around users of magic, necromancy, chivalry, and ninjitsu though he has a great admiration for people who master the art of the samurai and hopes one day to learn this skill himself.