Title: Cock Fighting! Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on February 01, 2006, 09:40:31 pm COCK FIGHTING IN COVE
When: 20:15 on teh Secon' day of teh Secon' Month. Where: Cove Town What: Ah loined up teh Contender's an' took down teh Competitor Chicken's names: Baron Octiovus: Sir George Dylan Freewater: Hoagie: Jaws Raiden Morana: Clucky Fellah Vince Valentine: Colonel Cluck Edmund Rufus: Plucky Round one: Sir George vs. Harry Winner: Harry Round two: Jaws vs. Clucky Fellah Winner: Jaws Round Three: Colonel Cluck vs. Plucky Winner: Colonel Cluck Free for all to Determine finalists as there were three remaining contestants.. Winners: Jaws and Harry FINAL ROUND: Harry vs. Jaws WINNER: HARRY! Signed: Anari, Regular Dragoon, Covian Army... Sorreh fer teh Lack of drawin's... was so exci'in' ah forgo' teh take aneh! (OOC: Image shack wouldnt host them...) Title: Re: Cock Fighting! Post by: Dylan on February 01, 2006, 10:46:11 pm Yar! Hurah Fer Cwningen... who was cruely slaughtered afterwards bu an evil hound of death controled by Chaffers!
*runs off sobbing* Title: Re: Cock Fighting! Post by: Raiden Morana on February 01, 2006, 11:27:04 pm Gah!
Clucky Fella suffered the same fate. Just when he was about tay wake from 'is slumber and savage Jaws. *chuckles* *signed* Raiden, Regular Highlander. Title: Re: Cock Fighting! Post by: Octiovus on February 02, 2006, 03:47:52 pm Piffle and pish-posh.