Title: An announcement. Post by: Octiovus on December 06, 2004, 10:14:56 pm It seem's due to the on going war we are not welcome in Vesper. (However the market will still go ahead, as Lady Yiveth has allowed us passage there for the day) The situation look's grave, the barracks is damaged and our town overrun with Orc's. Yiveth's force of man wenches drink and be merry in the "free town" of Vesper. They even lower the standards to befriend the Kaldorians and the Britannian guards. But the time is nigh for Cove and it's allies to strike back. Soon we shall start our offensive.
That will be all. *Signed with the Baron's seal* [OOC] For now, Vesper itself is quite a hostile area and I strongly suggest you avoid it or only go there in disguise. [/OOC] Title: Re: An announcement. Post by: Nathaniel Hawk on December 07, 2004, 03:28:28 pm So were not allowed to go to vesper or Trinsic? Lovely.
Title: Re: An announcement. Post by: Donwin on December 07, 2004, 05:25:10 pm *smiles*
Oh well we wont have to be near the scummy people of Trinsic or Vesper then isnt it!!! Title: Re: An announcement. Post by: Octiovus on December 07, 2004, 10:52:19 pm http://www.f4g.net/vb/showthread.php?p=985739#post985739
An alliance of the North. Time to strike back. Title: Re: An announcement. Post by: Shadwell on December 09, 2004, 05:51:09 pm Care to explain?