Title: [Report] - Collecting th' Gold. Post by: Jenifer Feather on February 02, 2006, 05:11:43 pm Jenifer Feather bravely goes where no Covian has gone before!
Led By: Jenifer Feather Present: Jenifer Feather. I looked at th' list o' requirements ter git tha' senior badge, after studying them for some time i knew wha' i should do, since no one was on.. it was time ter collect some gold. Sixteh thousand crowns ter be exact, this i nay easy task as anyone who has tried ter do so will know! Oi ventured from dungeon ter Dungeon fer about an' hour an' a half slowly bashing down th' creatures that dwelled there, became hairy at time, bu' people were always willing ter help a fair Covian in need! I spent alo' o' time at the cave o' them Troglydites... Thems fell pretty easy an' had a fair amou' a gold on them.. Had ter sneak past Trinsic ter git there though.. (http://img425.imageshack.us/img425/3860/jenifergold3ij.jpg) A Dark image o' some fighting... After tha' i headed ter th'; Dungeon o' Ice, where i bashed some o' them swirly thin's and icey thin's, these fellahs used lot's o magic bu' i did manage ter keep myself up, naw this did no' git me as much gold as i wanted so i returned ter them Troglydites an carried on bashing them.. (http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/9017/jenifergold29xy.jpg) Jenifer takes a face full o' Fire... After th' Gold was collected i headed ter th' Barracks ter place it in th' Coffers, bu' it wer full, so i am holdin' onter th' Gold, waiting ter meet a member o' command who can take it from me. Signed: Jenifer Feather Title: Re: [Report] - Collecting th' Gold. Post by: Gregor Eason on February 02, 2006, 06:04:57 pm Earned the 60,000, eh eh?
Excellent work! Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer Covian Army & Baronship Council |