Title: Lets see what you've learned... Friday 3rd Febuary 7.30pm GMT Post by: Vince Valentine on February 03, 2006, 09:17:53 am When Friday 3rd Febuary 7.30pm GMT
Where Rally at the Barracks What to bring Full armour, bandages, light source, provisions Hail Guardsmen! Now, i've noticed that there have been many training sessions th' past few weeks, an' i think it's abou' time te put inte action what ye've learned eh? We'll be heading through the swamps of ilshnear inte th' mountainous area, and down inte th' underground caverns tha' we visited a while back, emerging in tha' strange buildin' . It'll be a gruellin' trip, bu' fer a bunch o' highly trained guardsmen like ye, nay worries! *Signed* Vince Valentine Officer Cadet |