Title: Raiding The Mines - 21.00pm GMT, Tuesday 07/02/06 Post by: Gregor Eason on February 07, 2006, 09:19:11 am Intelligence reports that the Guardsmen Militia of Yew have set up a Mining Operation in one of Cove's VERY OWN mountainous valleys!! This CANNOT stand! They steal OUR resources for themselves, in but an effort to demoralise our trade, and ill equip us with the precious ingots to suit garments for war.
We shall raid the mines! When: 21.00pm GMT, TONIGHT! (Be on time) Where: Outside Barracks, Cove Bring: Full Combat Gear, Bandages, Provisions (OOC Details This will be a three part battle scenario. After each battle ye'll be permitted to remove ye deathrobes, but do so ONLY when given clearance by the Commanding Officer, me *wink* Should be good fun. Hope you enjoy it!) Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer Covian Army & Baronship Council |