Title: A new Covian Cougar uniform?! Post by: Vincent Redfield on February 10, 2006, 12:50:41 am Hail all. T'nights 'trainin' with Comman'er Eason was a fun one...we drilled in the fantastic sport o'bagball, which I's quite familar in. At the end, 'e said we's in need of a uniform...when I's was a boy in Britian, we had our own 'Britian Bulldogs'! So, I's went t'see meh cousin t'see if 'e still 'ad it.
((OOC: The following is told in Omni-visionTM!)) Vince arrived in Britian during the night, and made his way to his cousin's, a prominent Tailor,shop. As Vince was about to knock, a tearing sound followed by a terrible, blood-curdling scream drove the covian back. After a few momens, he mustered the courage to knock. A moment or so passed, when the door finally opened, and a skinny, pale looking man, no more than thirty opened the door, and looked eye-level with Vince. "You. Come here." ordered the man. Before Vince could protest he was taken inside, where he was made to stand while the pale one took measurements. "A..Ah, glad t'see you too, Vick..." Vince spluttered. "I came by to ask if you--" Vince would cut short by a voice, obviously in intense pain, from the other room, crying "For the love of the Avatar! Help mee--*GlUrK!*" Vick stood and threw a smiths hammer down the hall, out of Vince's line of sight, where it connected something with a wet snap. "Teach you to talk. " Mumbled Vick, and continued with measurements Vincent was obivously disturbed by this, and began to grow pale himself. The perpetually dark, cluttered and messy chamber that was his cousins was littered with tinkers, blacksmiths, and tailor tools, strewn around amongst other, more devious objects, such as shackles and small knives and other instruments of torture, and the occasional blood stain. "Is...this a bad time? Perhaps I should be going.." "STAY STILL!" The skinny, pale cousin of Vince commanded. This went on for some time. "You lost weight, and your form changed. I'll make you a new suit." "N..No! It's not about that. I just wanted to know if you had my old Bulldog uniform." "...That old rag? I..made some adjustments to it. " Vick grinned deviously. "A..Adjustments? What..kind of adjustments?" Questioned Vince with a scowl A few moments later, the 'new' suit was brought out. Upon seeing it, Vince's jaw hung open, and all he could think of was ow Vick was related to him.. (http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/5954/sm7sy.png) (http://imageshack.us) What. The. $%@#. Vince then began the tedious task of asking Victor for a new suit. After a bit of begging, finally, Vick agreed to send him a much more updated version of the bagball suit, and promised it wouldn't be anything they'd be embarassed to show their parents. With a bit of wariness, Vince took his leave. He was no more than a few steps away when another scream and the crack of a whip made him cringe. /OOC: And the finished product is no more than an adaptation of my (http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/824/bball6bt.png) (http://imageshack.us) Title: Re: A new Covian Cougar uniform?! Post by: Gregor Eason on February 10, 2006, 12:59:16 am Looks nay bad! The padding, and the features of the uniform are excellent! And shall definitely feature in our kit.
However, the colours of the Covian Cougars needs to be a little more.. imminent.. Other than that, looks very practical and suited! (OOC: You sick, sick man! Good story *Chuckles*) Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer Covian Army, Baronship Council, & Covian Cougars Coach Title: Re: A new Covian Cougar uniform?! Post by: Olchafa Serpernt on February 10, 2006, 06:33:18 pm I think a leather cap rather than a normal cap *Nods*
Title: Re: A new Covian Cougar uniform?! Post by: Gregor Eason on February 10, 2006, 06:53:11 pm But we need to show that we're Covian! And proud!
Perhaps a Bandana then? Title: Re: A new Covian Cougar uniform?! Post by: Olchafa Serpernt on February 11, 2006, 12:11:41 am I ment to protect our heads in the rough game that is bagball!
Title: Re: A new Covian Cougar uniform?! Post by: Octiovus on February 11, 2006, 12:56:21 am Protection!? Piffle!