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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Gregor Eason on February 10, 2006, 03:04:25 am

Title: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Gregor Eason on February 10, 2006, 03:04:25 am
Eason, Exploring Officer, sipped gently on his ale. He had had his eye on a few Regulars lately. Noticing their traits, their strengths and weaknesses. He decided now was the time for them to meet their most difficult test yet...

The Baron's Loyalty
Addressed to Regular Highlanders Morana, Kurt, and Delcarakdur.

Well met, gentlemen.
The Baron's Loyalty is one of the hardest tests ye'll ever have to face. Believe ME it will be difficult, and there shall be times where ye'll wish ye never signed up to the Army. But with great challenge, comes great reward - the rank of Senior.
Few reach this rank for the very reason alone, that few have shown the level of commitment and devotion to Cove as ye three have. Ye have reached the doorway, now it is time to walk through it.

Morana's Loyalty: Phase One
Courage, to do what is necessary. Strength has always been your greatest asset, Raiden. Now it is time to harness that prowess into a form that will be most devastating.. at least for one of ye tasks.
* Coordinate and command an attack on the Guardsmen Militia of Yew.
* Organise a daily rota for one week of Sentry Watch at the Altmere Outpost.
* Design and organise a non-combat entertainment event for Army and Citizenship!
Northern forces engage the Yew Militia!
Kurt's Loyalty: Phase One
Dedication to one's duty has always been thy key focus, Regular Kurt. Ye are the Regular that has been most motivated to completing his assignments and requirements. Your attention shall be to strengthening the North, and perhaps looking a little further afield.
* Design and organise a Training Exercise to include ALL Northern forces.
* Select four guardsmen, and assign them EACH a Hunting task.
* Organise and challenge a battle between Besiegers and Highlanders ONLY.
Hospitallers and Covians train. But PLEASE avoid the bright colours!?
Delcarakdur's Loyalty: Phase One
The Baron's Loyalty.. Pfft. Losing one's hand and eye in the service of He would already deem ye fit to pass this test. Your endless commitment and strict discipline has been noticed, old friend. I hope to see you soon amidst the Senior ranks of the Army.
* Design and organise a Fighting Tournament, for Covians and any of the North!
* Organise a daily rota for one week of Training.
* Command and coordinate a defence against the Guardsmen Militia in their march towards Minoc.
Covians defend against the Yew Militia.
* ALL Main Events (i.e. Training Exercise, Fighting Tournament) must include at least FIVE Covians, or other Northern folk.
* ALL Main Events must be planned in advance via the Events Board.
* The daily rotas for the week must be posted in THIS thread.
* Juniors assigned tasks (i.e. daily rota, hunt) MUST post a Report in THIS thread, or have someone else do it.
* ALL aspects of the Loyalty must be posted in THIS thread.

Eason's Advice
Your test may be hard, but look to your leadership and organisational skills to see the deed done. Use Juniors; assign them work, for them to assign others.
* Delegate.
In many of these operations, there is the opportunity to have people assist and help. Ye are Regulars. You have rank that gives ye power. Utilise this.
* Take it one step at a time.
Nay focus too much on the road far ahead, but on that which lies directly infront of ye.
* Remember your friends.
In many of these tasks, ye are advised to take on the legendary Guardsmen Militia of Yew. Some of these chaps have been fighting since ye were but a little chipmunk Britannian. Remember thy allies; the Vesper Militia, and the Knight Hospitallers. Call on them for aid, for it is their battle too.
* Ask others for advice.
There is a great deal of experience loitering around Cove. Make use of it.

The Daily Rota
This simply means.. speak with Juniors (or Regulars), and assign with them days on which they can commit for the concerned event (i.e. Sentry, Training). It works toward their promotion requirements, so they should be keen to help! Ye do not necessarily have to be there, however, there will have to be a report done to provide evidence of the task's completion.

It is not without coindence that all of ye are Highlanders.
This is an opportunity to promote, and to display the fine quality of the 3rd Glenmore Highlanders.
The eyes of Cove are upon ye.
Good Luck!

Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer
Covian Army & Baronship Council

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Kas Valentine on February 16, 2006, 06:00:40 pm
Hunt to deepest Despise

As ordered by: Regular Highlander Kurt.

Led by: Junior Guardsman Kas Valentine.

Attended by
: Officer Cadet Vince Valentine, Officer Cadet Kal Shadowhand, Junior Guardsman Bayne.

Upon receiving my orders I had a quick wash and then gathered as many men as I could for the journey ahead.

Witness the incredibly well prepared Junior Guardsman.

I stepped through the portal and after giving the men the ability to see in the dark with a simple enchantment we charged into the dungeon.

Kas Valentine: "S'a fairly straight forward mission chaps, we must fell three of the giant Titans and bring glory to our leader."

They indicated that they understood and soon enough we were slaying the creatures of Despise left, right and center.

Shazaam !

We reached the level the titans were located upon but a small voice called out behind us....


Clearly it was Officer Cadet Vince Valentine, no-one else would express such fear in Despise and who can blame him, I'd scream too if my handsome face was in danger. So we waited for him....

Tum te tum.

And he was a worthy addition to our motley crew of Covian heroes....

All hail the strength of Vinceyplops.

My band of men was now one larger and so we marched into the gloomy depths of the dungeon filled with courage. We had travelled no further than a few steps when we began to hear the chattering of the titans and their massive brethren the cyclopean warriors.

Kas Valentine: "Heads up chaps, 'tis bashing time !"

Tremble titans, TREMBLE !

Suddenly they were upon us, vast crowds of giant beasts with massive hammers and fearsome spells. But unfortunately for the residents of Despise the power of Cove was severely underestimated. One moment the crowd was upon us and the next they were on the floor groaning for mommy.

Does it hurt!?

Titans down; 1

And so the slaughter went on....

Weak at the knees in the company of Cove.

Titans down; 2

And on....

Two at once, hah I say, HAH !

Titans down; 4

And on and on....

Don't choke, take it to the groin, take it to the groin.

Titans down; 5

We just don't stop, even despite friendly fire between Vince and Bayne.....

Steady on Bayne, he's not THAT bad.

Titans down; 6

Having doubled the number of titans we needed to slay I briefed the men on our next move.

What a man, what a hero, what a leader, Kas Valentine the man for all seasons.

As we retraced our steps Junior Guardsman Bayne got a fever for the flavour of swamp water and so we investigated a distinctly whiffy part of the dungeon.

The guardsman drop an acid.

Elementals conquered and boots sizzled the noble men of Cove trudged on through the dungeon until reaching the inner entrance where they discovered a snoozing Sendrich, beast of all beasts !

Oh dear Lord, it's HORRIFIC.

Running in fear from the dungeon a portal was promptly summoned and the heroes dived in to escape certain doom at the hands of the disfigured creature.

Good work you handsome devils.

I congratulated the men on their courage, paid them a hefty sum for their services and retired to the tavern to drink myself into oblivion write up the report.

Titans slain; Six.
Dungeons vanquished; One.
Handsome faces paraded; Four.
Puppydogs frightened; One.
Vile bearded men evaded; One.

A true victory for Cove.  :D

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Cor Ari Ta on February 17, 2006, 01:16:49 am
Paragon Hunt in Compation

As ordered by; Regular Highlander: Kurt

Led by; Junior Scout: Cor'Ari Ta

Attendedby; Junior Scout: Cor'Ari Ta
                              Regular Highlander: Kurt, On the last Paragon

After I had awaken from my slumber, I gathered my things to go check out my old home and to see how many of them Yellow creature I could find. I had no entention of attacking them, just scout it out. When I got there I quickly looked around and beleave it or not it looked like it did when Kal took me away from there some time back.

I made my was to where my so called family camped at, and from the shadows I went looking around. As I was walking around remembering all the good time I had when I was living amungst the savages I came across this Yellow Mongbat,


I looked around and seen that there was nothing around to help the Bugger so I desided to go ahead and get the hunt over with that Regular Kurt set up fer me. I attacked it with the fury that my Drow blood would muster. It soon fell at my feet so I then gave it an elven blessing.


I then headed out to seek more. I walked around a few moments hoping one will show soon when this savage appeared and was as Yellow as the Mongbat.


I then attacked it and was slightly pressed for it was surely stronger than a Mongbat, But my Drow Blood soon boiled and it was then pressed back in return. He soon fell as well.


His pet was just a bonus.

It was not long after knocking the yellow savage when I came across this funny looking creature called a Ridgeback, My old so called family ride them.


I quickly attacked it for I did not know when one would come to claim it and ride of on it, It was the easiest to fell for my poison works wonders.


Not far from where i killed the ridgeback I see this yellow wolf.


But I also seen that it was no ordenary wolf, it was a Dire Wolf, much stronger then the Grey wolves and the Tember wolves. I had to use caution with this one for it had great speed. I took aim with my poison covered Kryss and then let loose the Drow Fury. Soon it finaly fell and i was glad for it really had me on my toes.


His mate came up to help but only to meet the same fate as it did.

After killing four of the yellow creatures i desided to leave this area to find something that would push me a wee bit harder. I made my way back to the blue gate then headed north, then west into a valley where I seen a small dragon creature called a Drake, the most favored food of the savages here. As i made my way throught the valley I came across this Wyvern and it too was yellow.


I soon took in hand my trusty war fork and went to work on the yellow wyvern, but to no prevail. The thin' hit me so hard I passed out. But he knew i was there for I did get in a few good hits. When I fianlly came too I found my self in this wee shack where this beautiful Las had bandaged me up. I sat up and asked her if i could borrow some Pigeons to send out for help. She took me to the place where they kept the Pigeons and told me to use as many as I needed for they would return soon after delivering the messages.

It was not long after sending them out, when one returned with a note from Regular Highlander Kurt. He was on his way. When he arrived I was already on my way back to the yellow Wyvern, We formed out tactical healing Circle and set out to kill that hidious looking thing. As we approached it, it got mad for there was now two of us tresspassing on its territory. We then attacked it and it was fighting back like it was about to see its last light. The Drow blood in my veins was boiling again with fury and Regular Kurts massive maul was hard pressing it back when it finally gave up from being tired out and weekened from my poison when it fell at our feet.


After it fell I was then relieved that my tasks were now finished. We then headed back to the Blue Gate and then headed home.

        Junior Scout: Cor'Ari Ta

Title: The Defence of Minoc
Post by: Delcarakdur on February 17, 2006, 03:56:39 pm
*delcarakdur lays a neatly signed report on Eason's desk*


As per your instructions I took command of the defence of the Compassion bridge. After our defeat at the 1st bridge, we had to hold here, or Yew would have been one step closer to taking Minoc. So with firm resolve in my hearth and yet dreading defeat, I gazed over the men assembled. Seeing several familiar faces, like Ben, Chaffers, Vincent Redfield, I felt my morale boost. Good men all of them...And dwarf too...

The proud men of Cove!

Spotting several scout amongst the men, I quickly ordered Ben to lead an advance squad of scouts to make sure the area would be clear of hostiles. The efficient dwarf quickly moved out.

Sending in the vanguard!

Getting the men organized into a single squad, I received a dove message from Ben just about ten minutes after he left, reporting that there were no hostiles in the area. A golden chance to set up proper fortifications, I ordered the men to forced march to the bridge, getting a couple of guardsmen to carry supplies. Arriving at the bridge, we met up with Knights Hospitallier reinforcements, a small but tightly organized groups of mailed men and women. Admiring their professional attitude while watching the men setting up fortification. Almost immediately upon finishing the fortifications, our scouts spotted the incoming force of Yewmen, lead by no-one else that the Lord Protector Kilon D'Gar himself.

Fortifications and arriving Yewmen!

Challenging us by asking who the "rebel" commander was, I stepped forward and said, I, Delcarakdur commands the free men of the North! The usual "We will spare your lives if you retreat" speech was held by the lord Protector, to which I replied, We defy you!

The experienced Yewish commander then turned and walked back to his men while issuing commands for the oncoming assault. The fight stared with a hail of arrows hitting our close formations, but thanks to our shields no-one was seriously hurt and our allies opened up felling several Yewmen. Failing to see the arrow coming towards me, all suddenly went black for me as I heard the enemy breaking through our fortifications. Coming to my senses I discovered an bolt sticking out of my chest, but fortunately, my men had ignored that and beaten off the invaders. Standing bravely where I fell, defying the brutish yewmen while shouting Fierce battlecries at them! Below are some sketches that I made of the battle from my point of view. One of them are a bit blurred because of the wound making it hard for me to keep consciousness at all times.


The Yewish retreat quickly turned into a rout, and the Hospitalliers performed exceptionally well, holding their ground easily and not suffering a single casualty as well. Chasing off the last yewmen, we quickly regrouped at the bridge. Holding a little speech for the men, we then proceeded to take down the bridge.

The speech!

Deciding that the bridge was a too grand threat to Minoc, we decided to weaken the supports with axes, and then throw some sort of explosive substance to give it the final blow. Nicholi, Hoagie and our own Baron took axes and then proceeded to do the weakening

Taking out the bridge!

Picking up our wounded and saying farewell to our allies, we headed home to Cove, our mission accomplished! All of the men inspired me that day and such exemplary performance is to be commended! A grand effort indeed, keeping the free peoples free!


Delcarakdur, Officer Cadet of the 3rd Glenmore Highlanders

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Regdar Le Faye on February 18, 2006, 10:13:47 pm
Hunt to shame

Led by: Junior Scout Ben Radau
In attendance:
Watchman Nicholi
Watchman Regdar

Junior scout Ben Radau Walked through tha door an' asked if meh an' Nicholi were busy so tha' 'e could take us t' tha' bottom level o' Shame. I o'course jumped a' tha chance t' go killin' some monsters but Nicholi told Ben tha 'e could nay attend 'cause 'e 'ad t' write a report. Ben was 'avin' none o' i' an' said tha report can wait.

We walked outside an' lined up, whilst ben prepared one o' 'em blue thin's. We jumped through tha blue thin' an ended up close, but not quite tha fourth floor. We started wanderin' through tha dungeon t' get t' tha fourth floor. We encountered a few minor monsteres an' we killed 'em very fast indeed 'cause they beh no match fer Cove!

When we did get t' tha fourth floor we was, o'course, met by a large welcomin' party. We thrashed 'em good we did. we hacked 'em one after tha untill they all fell t' tha ground.

Damn we're good

Everythin' went quiet.  Tha' was untill we 'eard somethin' 'round tha corner. I' got closer, an' closer, creepin' an' slidin' i's way t' us. i' emerged from tha' corner. We stood still fer a moment, i' was a foul creature. Blood dripped from i' as i' slid towards us, I's passed victims blood porbably. an' although this was a tha most hideous monster I ever saw, We 'ad t' get our senses together. We stood ready for i' as i' still came ever closer. We drew our weapons an' attacked i' 'ard an' fast. I' was a long an' 'ard fight but we vanqusihed tha beast in tha name o' Cove.

"Bloody" hell!

We looted i' along with tha other monsters an' walked away t' a safe spot where Ben made a magic blue thin'. 'E started sayin' a few words 'bout 'ow good we were an' then 'e gave us the "dismissed"


Watchman Regdar

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Jonas Ancroft on February 21, 2006, 09:49:29 pm
Extracted from the daily journals of Jonas William Ancroft.
The 21st of February 2006.

Today was my first day as an official guardsman of the Covian Baronship. A short-ish chap in green armour and brandishing a large spear enlisted me. Aside from troubles with my uniform, it was simple and quick. After a quick tour of the tavern, I was instructed to proceed directly to the barracks, where Junior guardsmen Hoagie had an impressive amount of men and women lined up, I eagerly joined the line and soon discovered that the large group was heading out to one of the old eastern dungeons in the feudal lands of Tokuno. Truth the told I was slightly nervous, though was eager to prove my skills in front of the other guardsmen in attendance - Kas Valentine, Hoagie, Dalamar, Kurt and Jennifer Feather.

Kas Valentine, who appears to the Baronship's residence magic user, provided us with a gate to the barren lands, where I was immediately set upon by one of the fan-bearing daemons, before I could even get my bearings around the place, I quickly fell but was brought back to fighting state by my peers. After clearing my head and closing my wounds, I noticed that the interior of the small room we had arrived in was very different. The walls, though patchy and dirty, were constructed in an odd way, different from back and cove, the wooden dividers were made out of wood I have never seen and strange eastern objects decorated the walls. As we traveled down the stairs, I wasn't surprised to see that the rest of the so-called "dojo" was no different.

Hoagie, leading the hunt, took first point, cutting down the vile women with his blade, while the others supported the sides and rear, Valentine casting spells left and right, healing the injured and striking the fan dancers with magical fire. The surrounding objects were extremely curious, though I was under strict orders not to touch any of the tainted jars and sculptures. I did, however, find an oddly shaped seed on one of the dead fan dancers, which I pocketed hastily, perhaps if I have more time I shall inspect it more closely. Eventually, the spawn lessened, the deadly eastern warriors replaced by mere headless, flapping their arms aimlessly, attempting to knock the brave guardsmen to their feet. But ahead, down the corridor, an unmistakable roar was heard - the roar of a daemon.

Scouts on fast attack, guardsmen with heavy support and Valentine with his magicks was the plan, and it paid off. The daemon, which I was surprised to see could still fly a few meters off the ground in the large hall, was brought to it's feet by the scout's poison, and cut into pieces by the axe men. Our force suffered one or two casualties, but it was nothing that a shot of ale and some bandages couldn't fix, soon, three of the vile daemons were lying cold and dead across the hall's floor. We were ordered to retreat through the gate provided once again by Valentine, and shared the loot equally among the attendees. I glanced at the bag I was handed: five thousand gold coins! All in a days work! I think I could get used to guardsman life.

I quickly pocketed the heavy bag and set off at a brisk run towards the bank.

(http://img162.imageshack.us/img162/7079/dojohunt14yq.gif)  (http://img162.imageshack.us/img162/1422/dojohunt25tx.gif)  (http://img162.imageshack.us/img162/7835/dojohunt31on.gif)  (http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/8866/dojohunt48ir.gif)

Hunt Overview:

Ordered and Led by Hoagie. Unforunately, apart from the short list in my journal extract, I do not have an exact list of those in attendance. Three daemons were slain and twenty-six thousand gold coins were raised.

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Kas Valentine on February 28, 2006, 12:15:10 am
Altmere Sentry Report[/u]

As ordered by: Regular Guardsman Raiden Morana.

Led by: Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine.

Attended by: Junior Guardsman Regdar, Junior Guardsman Dylan Freewater, Watchman Dalamar, Junior Scout Bayne, Junior Guardsman Jack Sinist.

Assisted by: Citizen Amon Jarl.

I arrived at the barracks at the stroke of seven, well prepared to fulfill the duties handed down to me by Regular Guardsman Raiden Morana just last week. Upon my arrival I discovered three brave souls were ready and waiting; Junior Guardsman Regdar, Watchman Dalamar and Citizen Amon Jarl.

Kas shares his opinion of Regdar's face.

After several yanks on the barracks bellrope we set out convinced that it would only be the three of us defending the sentry from harm. However as we strode towards the province of Altmere we were joined by Junior Guardsmen Dylan Freewater and Jack Sinist. I filled them in on the details of the sentry and soon enough we had arrived at our destination.

I closed the gates and began handing out orders.

Kas Valentine: "Alright as you can see this is a very well crafted watchpost, the wood is top quality and the workmanship thorough. However we are in need of some leather hides in order to give the walls a little extra protection. You two, Dylan and Regdar, head into the forest and see what you can find."

Dylan is duped into buying an inferior quality Yewish halberd.

Once the barricade had been reinforced I issued the following orders;

Northern gate duty; Watchman Dalamar.
Southern gate duty; Junior Guardsman Regdar.
Logbook duty; Junior Guardsman Jack Sinist.
Southern lookout duty; Junior Guardsman Dylan Freewater.
Northern lookout duty; Junior Scout Bayne.

Each guardsman had something to take care of, even Amon Jarl seemed pretty pleased with himself as I cast an approving eye around the outpost.

Kas looks for love, the Guardsmen conveniently look the other way.

As the evening progressed I went from guardsman to guardsman to see if they were performing their duties correctly. Bayne and Dalamar were doing exceptionally well so I sent them a little ways up the northern road in order to keep the path to Cove clear. Once the northern gate was closed I strolled down to check on Regdar;

Kas Valentine: "Everything safe and sound over there Reg....?"

Regdar: "Ehhhh aye sir.....well....sort of.....the birds, they keep singing to me, you reckon this means I'm special...!?"

There there Regdar, easy now.

Once Regdar was convinced of his "gift" I received word from Bayne and Dalamar that they had dealt with several bandits on the northern road and it was now safe for passing travellers. I expressed my thanks and sent them back to their former duties. However, much like a fluffy little kitten, young Dalamar had insisted on bringing back proof of the hunt.

Dalamar: "I put them over by Mr Sinist sir"

What's going on ear then...!?

Treading carefully around the bloody pool of hearing aids I made my way up the stairs to check on Dylan. All was not well....

Dylan Freewater: Sir sir !

Kas Valentine: Yes Dylan what is it, is everything in order up here....?

Dylan Freewater: No sir, not at all, I'm crippled and I can't feel my leg !

Kas Valentine: Don't be silly Dylan it looks just fine to me, here can you feel this....?

I gave his leg a few prods.

He can't, but can I....?

Dylan Freewater: Aieeeee nothing sir, not even a tiny feeling !

Kas Valentine: Calm down calm down, I'll see if I can't increase the pressure a little bit.

I booted him full force in the kneecap.

Dylan Freewater: I can feel it, I CAN FEEL IT. By the Avatar you're a miracle sir ! A living miracle !

Kas Valentine: I know I know but keep it down eh Freewater...? You'll make the others jealous.

With this little crisis out of the way I gathered the guardsmen together and informed them that we would be leaving soon. Of course we couldn't just leave the outpost intact, what if it fell into the hands of our enemies, I gave the guardsman their favourite order....


Watch out for splinters.

It wasn't long before the barricade lay scattered across the floor in millions of tiny pieces, at this point I gave the men a hearty salute and dismissed them from duty.

Below is a copy of the logbook;

  • 19:14 - Nothing to add.
  • 19:18 - Bayne joined the sentry.
  • 19:20 - Some peasant disturbs my work at the sentry, "Amon" was his name.
  • 19:34 - Something was spotted in the forest by Dalamar. He then went outside with Bayne to have a look.

Sinist was very professional in the keeping of his logbook and not remotely worthy of the accusation by Amon that he was "sleeping" his way through the sentry.

State of Altmere: Safe for this day.

*signed neatly in flamboyant handwriting*
Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine[/i].

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Jenifer Feather on February 28, 2006, 07:07:50 pm
Sentry in Altmere

Led By: Jenifer Feather
Present: Joey Lanai
                      Kal ShadowHand
                      Vince Valentine

I ordered th' Dragoons to run on ahead on their beasties ter get a good check on the area before we arrived, they did this an' when the rest of us arrived we were able to build the fortifications with no problem. The with the mighty structure set up we stood, and waited... and waited... and waited, VERY little happened, a harpy flew through and got destroyed. but a very uneventful sentry it was!

Who says Dragoons arn't posers...

Signed: Jenifer Feather

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: John Dell on March 01, 2006, 11:32:10 pm
Altmere Sentry Gate

Lead by:

Jack Sinist - Junior Guardsman

Attended by:

Yes.. the sentry lead by myself, orderered by Raiden Morana clashed with the Covian Market and due this all guards was on duty guarding the citizens health, and was unable to attend.

Better luck next time  then I guess. The sentry was to be, but event clashing made it unpossible.

Jack Sinist

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Kal/Mathew on March 03, 2006, 07:53:31 am
Sentry at Altmere

Led By: Regular Highlander: Kurt

Attended By:

Officer Cadet: Kal ShadowHand
Junior Dragoon: Nicholi
Guardsman RecruitMax O'Munpain

As I was sitting at the Scout Tower, I recieved a pigeon that only said ( Sentry at Altmere, Gather at the Barrocks now).
I got my things together and headed to the Barracks where I met Regular Highlander: Kurt. He told me that Darith had ordered a Sentry at Altmere. After all the details were given out, we then headed in a forced march to Altmere.

When everyone had gathered at Altmere the Construction of the barracade has begun. Once we were finished I took my place at the fron door as Doorman with Junior Dragoon: Nicholi.


After awhile as nothing had happened I was ordered to take Recruit Max on a patrol. We then set out for the crossroad, along the way we met a few resistance that was quickly disposed of.


After seeing that the crossroads were clearedwe then set off to make our return to altmere. On the way back we met with more resistance, and again quickly delt with.


Once back at the Sentry I took my place back at the Door on the barracade as with the Recruit.



       Officer Cadet: Kal ShadowHand

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Cor Ari Ta on March 04, 2006, 06:05:53 am
Sentry in Altmere

Led By; Junior Scout: Cor'Ari ta

Attended By;

Regular Guardsman: Kas Valentine
Regular Highlander:Raiden Morana
Regular Dragoon:Thomas Sendrich
Junior Guardsman: Edmund Rufus
Junior GuardsmanRegdar

I arrived at the barracks, and then desided that it was time to do my Sentry in Altmere so I sent out several Pigeons to gather as many men as posible. It was not long till they started gathering, and I then started filling them in on what it was we were to do. After I was sure that no more was to come I then gave the order to head to Altmere so I grabed the reins of my pack hores that carried the supplies we were to need and we set forth to Altmere. On the way we were met by a few trolls and ogers, but to there death they went.

We finally arrived at the Altmere Post where we were met by a troll that fell before he knew what hit him.


We then started setting up the Sentry Fort, As we were close to finishing the fort we noticed that we were short on supplies, so I then said that it doesn't matter, We will man it anyways.


I then ordered Kas to take a couple of men and do a patrol, so he left and me and Regular Highlander: Morana was left behind to keep an eye on the Sentry.


After awhile thar was one of the wondering fools that kept entering the Sentry with out permission, and after a few warnings I finally desided that he needed to be taught a lesen. I drew my Green liquid covered Kryss and struck the man with some poison to teach him not to mess with the Great Cobeian Army.


After a few swings of my Poison covered Krys he finally got the mesage. He then fell for I hit him one to many times with the poison.

Not long after knocking that wonderer some of his Kin folks I guess that who they were, they showed up and first killed my fresh tamed packhorse, which really made me angree, I ran out of the sentry and engadged them, After it was all and done I looked at the beast that carried the supplies and Shrugged.


As soon as the Patrol had returned I then gave the order to dissmantle the Post and return to the Barracks for there was no Yewman scumm here today.
We made it back to the barracks and i then thanked the men for a Sentry well done, and dissmised them to go rest.

              Junior ScoutCor'Ari Ta

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on March 05, 2006, 04:52:00 pm
Altmere Sentry

Led By:
Nicholi~Junior Dragoon

Kurt~Regular Highlander

Late saturday night, I led m' part of the Sentry Rota. Weh headed off te Altmere where I was ordered te have m' sentry. Upon arrival, Me an' Kurt quickly built up two nice fortifications around the two entry ways into teh Altmere post.
After a bi' of waitin' Kurt an' I decided Cove was safe dis night. So, weh disconstructed the fortifcations. An' quickleh made our return te Cove.

Nicholi Ravnthorn
Junior Dragoon

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: John Dell on March 05, 2006, 04:58:14 pm
Altmere Sentry - Daily Quota

Lead By:
Kurt - Regualr Highlander

Attended By:
Vince Valentine - Gernadier Officer Kadet
Kal Shadowhand - Scout Officer Kadet
Gimbly - Regular Grenadier
Giet Arma - Junior Dragoon
Jack Sinist - Junior Guard
Edmund - Junior Guard

We where placed around the sentry. Shortly after Kurt ordered Dragoon Giet-Thing and Officer Kadet Kal Shadowhand to go on a patrol around the swamp area then report back.

As they set of to the swamp, Kurt ordered Officer Vincent and junior Edmund to go patrol the covian shire then report back. Leaving myself, Gimbly and Regular Kurt left.

From the point where the other guards set off on their patrols there is nothing to report.

The patrols reported back with nothing then the regular monster slaying..

We forced back to Cove and got dissmised.

Jack Sinist

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Raiden Morana on March 06, 2006, 08:46:26 pm
HEALING TRAINING - Delcarakdur's Baron's Loyalty

Led By:
Raiden Morana, Regular Highlander.

Attended by:
Kal Shadowhand, Officer Cadet
Jennifer Feather, Regular Scout
Edmund Rufus, Junior Guardsman
Seamus, Watchman
Dalamar, Watchman
Lithos, Guardsman Recruit
Lucia, Guardsman Recruit

Us Highlanders are famous for our ability tay stay formed up an' heal our brothers so i thought i would try an' pass this knowledge onto my fellow guardsmen.

First off i got the men warmed up with a few laps then i did an equipment check to see how many bandages they were carryin'.
Gah! From one extreme tay another it was. One recruit hand but a handfull yet Regular Scout Feather had enough tay bandage a keep! *grins*

For the first exercise i randomly attacked the guardsmen with the man next to them allowed to heal only. Then myself an' Seamus had tay try an' knock Corporal Shadowhand with the rest of the men keepin' him alive. I believe Kal slipped over on some mud! *chuckles*

I then paired the men off into teams to see how they could heal in combat. Finally i imparted a bit o' knowledge an' advice on the virtues of healin'. *nods sagely*
(http://img359.imageshack.us/img359/5725/uo00109zu.jpg) (http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/9578/uo00117pt.jpg)


Raiden Morana, Regular Highlander.

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Kurt Alimar/Markus on March 06, 2006, 10:47:57 pm
Northern Forces Combat Training

Commanding Guardsman:
Regular Highlander, Kurt Alimar

Attending Guardsmen:
Scout Sergeant, Valiro
Corporal, Hrothgar
Regular Scout, Jenifer Feather
Junior Scout, Cor Ari'Ta
Junior Guardsman, Edmund Rufus
Watchman, Dalamar
Guardsman Recruit, Lithos
Guardsman Recruit, Lucia Bloodbane
Guardsman Recruit, Pia

Attending Allies:
Lady Tabbitha and her Knights Hospitallier
Vesper Militia lead by Hanse

I lead a unique combat training using three different fields of Combat.  It was best out of five wins, and team black won the day.  I started it out by introducing myself, and then split them up into teams.  The teams were a little uneven but despite that both teams fought well.



The first field of combat was the Stronghold.  Green was too defend the stronghold and black was too attack.  Jenifer's tactics were fierce and strong, but the more experienced Knight Errant pushed right through them.  Green tried their best, but black came out Victorious in the end.  Black won both the defensive and offensive battle here.

Stronghold Leaders:

Green Leaders:
Regular Scout, Jenifer Feather
Scout Sergeant, Valiro

Black Leader:
Knight Errant, Vaughn

Two Black Wins

*Victory For Black!*


After I lead the stronghold part of the training I decided it was time too move on too the mountainous field.  We headed too the highlands for part two of the combat training.  During this battle black won one battle, and green won the other when Hanse took place as the leader of the green team.  Hanse's tactics were harsh but effective against the Veteran Corporal.

Leaders of the Highland Battle:

Green Leaders:
Grandmistress, Tabbitha
Champion, Hanse Davion

Black Leader:
Corporal, Hrothgar

One Black Win
One Green Win

*Hanse Leads Green Too Victory*


After the mountainous field training I decided to move onto  the woodland training.  The woodlands seems too be a hard field too strategize in with no materials.  Hanse leads two green troops too victory against a leaderless black team.  The battle was swiftly won by green, but black had won more battles then green giving black the win.

Covian Shire Leaders

Green Leader:
Champion, Hanse Davion

Black Leader:

One Green Win

*Green Takes the Forest*


After a great training session, the best I have ever lead!  I dismissed everyone too go home and rest.

*End of Training*

End Results:

Three Wins

Two Wins



Kurt Alimar, Regular Highlander

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Kas Valentine on March 08, 2006, 07:25:10 pm
Basic training report

Ordered by: Highlander Corporal Delcarakdur.

Led by: Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine.

Attended by: Junior Guardsman Edmund Rufus, Junior Guardsman Regdar, Guardsman Recruit Lareth, Regular Highlander Raiden Morana, Junior Guardsman Jack Sinist, Regular Highlander Thomas Sendrich, Junior Dragoon Nicholi, Junior Scout Cor'Ari Ta, Watchman Yue Yan, Junior Scout Olchafa Serpernt, Junior Dragoon Vincent Redfield, Regular Grenadier Gimbly, Officer Cadet Vince Valentine.

Once we returned to the barracks after fighting off a small force of Kaldorians I rang the barrack's bell and ordered all available guardsmen to the rooftop for training. It took some time for them all to get up the stairs, but eventually a line formed before my marvellous stool of Command.

Sitting, the position of Command.

Kas Valentine: "Right then, time to begin, any late comers will just have to chuffing well catch up. I see that you all hold your heads up high, as though proud of yourselves. Well let me tell you, although some of you are rough and tough while others sport bellies not unlike my own, you could ALL do with some relentless unforgiving exercise."

....and with that I ordered the entire squad on a run to the northern crossroads of Compassion desert and back again. Of course I would have to be there to make sure no-one cheated so I gathered up my stool of Command and invoked the spell of recall to the location they would soon arrive at.

The weather was sunny and pleasant at the crossroads so I cooled myself down and awaited the approach of the coming guardsmen.

Hard work this leadership business.

Surprisingly enough my apprentice Regdar was the first to arrive, looking fresh as a daisy and ready for more punishment exercise. I had Regdar form the beginnings of a line and soon enough it was filled out as more and more guardsmen arrived at the crossroads. Regular Grenadier Gimbly arrived looking slightly worse for wear and instantly began pleading for me to take him back via magical enchantment.

Gimbly: "Please open a portal, just for you and I, come on sir I need it ! I've got a rare condition known only to slightly senile bald men, I swear I'll die."

Kas Valentine: "I believe that condition has a name Gimbly, they call it poppycock, you will run back to the barracks as ordered."

Once Gimbly and the guardsmen had set off I gathered my stool and teleported back to the barracks to greet them with open arms (or at least unlimited scorn). I had time to fix my hair and get comfortable on the stool of Command before a slow trickle of Covians marched up to the rooftop.

Have pity for the Baron's Own.

Now I'm not a cruel man, having seen what my run did to most of the guardsmen I decided it was probably high time I gave them something relaxing to do.

Kas Valentine: "You over there stop that wheezing and can someone pick up the Grenadier please...? Thank you very much. To continue your training for this evening we will follow up your physical exercise with some mental strain. Oh yes, that's right my pets, EQUIPMENT CHECK."

The equipment was as follows;

Halberds: Everything was in order except for Yue Yan and Vincent Redfield who claimed they weren't strong enough to wield such weapons of war. I listened to their concerns and then scribbled a note to contact a worthy blacksmith and have some crafted especially.

Bedrolls: Young Vince Valentine had a somewhat disturbing brown stain on his bedding which I insisted he taste to prove it was "nothing special". However Redfield quickly informed me that old brown stains can be fatal if consumed so I quickly stopped the Officer Cadet and went on with my inspection.

A few of the guardsman claimed they prefered to sleep on the ground (Nicholi, Jack Sinist) whereas others (Vincent Redfield, Edmund Rufus) had no need for sleep whatsoever. Aside from that all the sleeping materials appeared to be in order.

Bandages: Each and every guardsmen had a splendid amount of clean bandages, even Vince. However the Watchmistress Yue Yan had an accident in her backpack which resulted in her bandages smelling faintly of jasmine. Once I had inhaled the sweet fragrance there was no going back, I insisted that in future everyone should follow her delightful example.

Torches: Some guardsmen had torches, some guardsmen could see in the dark and one of them even had a really posh lantern thing. Either way if they suddenly become trapped in the forests after dark, visibility will not be a problem.

Outcome of equipment check: Satisfactory.

Kas leaves a stool sample behind when he stands up.

At this point I lost my Grenadiers, Vince and Gimbly were called away by Senior Guardsman Grief Dryfh Gry to help with the Kaldorian prisoner. Since the guardsmen had excelled at the running and equipment checking I decided to allow them some battle games.

I elected Jack and Vincent as leaders and instructed them to form two teams.

Once they had picked their members they looked a little like this;

Team Block O'Rock:
Vincent Redfield
Thomas Sendrich
Cor'Ari Ta
Yue Yan

Team Stab Yo'Face:
Jack Sinist
Raiden Morana
Edmund Rufus

The rules were as follows;

  • No special moves
  • The defending team stays in place
  • The attacking team attempts to drop the defenders
  • After the first round the teams switch places

When everyone was clear on the rules I cast a magical wall in the center of the ring with the instruction that they begin battle when it disappeared.

The wall dropped and battle commenced.

The Covian rumble.

Team Stab Yo'Face walked away with the first round after a valiant attempt at defence by young Redfield. The teams reformed but unfortunately Vincent had to address some urgent business and so Olchafa Serpernt took his place on Team Block O'Rock.

The second round commenced with Sinist's team defending.

Jack explains his intricate methods to the phillistines.

Sadly I forgot to review the rules to our new member and some special moves found their way to Team Stab Yo'Face thus disqualifying the second round (despite victory by Team Block O'Rock). I proposed a second round but Sinist disagreed and accepted defeat despite the unfair advantages his team had faced.

At this point Sinist and Sendrich had to attend some pressing duties so I granted them dismissal and ordered the remaining guardsmen back into a line. They were clearly eager for more battle so I ordered a last man standing. However once in position they seemed a little slow to begin so I shouted some encouragement....

Kas Valentine: "Come on you lot I want to see blood, tears and heartbreak!"

.....and the final battle got underway.

Show me the suffering !

In the end Vincent Redfield emerged as the victor despite several long battles with his fellow guardsmen. I organised the men and women and complimented their fine display of skill in service of the mighty Baronship. With a tip of my cap and a hearty salute I dismissed them all from duty.

I am your father !

They all performed brilliantly and will doubtless be a great service to Cove.

State of the guardsmen: Well equipped and ready for battle.

(I may have missed one or two names, if this is the case, please contact me in writing)

*signed beautifully in long flowing handwriting*
Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine[/i].

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: John Dell on March 08, 2006, 11:40:18 pm
Healing training

Highlander Corporal Delcarakdrur's training rota.

Led by: Junior Guardsman Jack Sinist

Attended by:

First part:

Corporal Hrothgar D'Mar
Regular Dragoon Thomas Sendrich
Second part:

Corporal Hrothgar D'Mar
Junior Dragoon Nicholi

Third part:

Regular Highlander Kurt
Junior Dragoon Nicholi

I had planned a massive healing training with alot of new ideas. But unfortunaly I never got to try them out because of the poor attendance.


So I had to work with what I had, being always two people. I tought I was going to try out running while healing. A nice tequiniqe if you learn it.

Hrothgar standing next to Thomas at the far west of the arena, ready to run back and forth the arena five times while hitting eatchother, but at the same time healing eatchother. The one making the other one fall has then failed.



They both stayed up and healed eatchother good all five laps. And then Thomas was replaced by Nicholi..

So with a new line up I descided to try something else.. One attacker, one healer and one flee'er. Bascicly the attacker (me) attacked the flee'er (Hrothgar) and the healer tries to run after and heal the flee'er (Nicholi). This did not end well as Nicholi neglected healing Officer D'Mar making him fall pretty fast..



So I tried something else when Officer Hrothgar was replaced with Regular Kurt. Standing healing. They stand toe to toe without any armour, bouncing hits on eatchother while healing eatchother.


It went fairly well. After this I finished off with a last man standing and then dissmised them.


Jack Sinist

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Raiden Morana on March 17, 2006, 11:11:13 pm
TAVERN NIGHT - Raiden's Baron's Loyalty Task.

Led By:
Raiden, Regular Highlander.

Attended by:
Covian Guardsmen
Cor' Ari Ta
Yue Yan

Tweeso and friends including the lovely Tammy *winks*

If i missed any guardsmen orf meh apologies bu' i wuz very verrrrry drrrrunk!

I thought i would try and make an effort fer the tavern night and Amon Jarl promised me he could "source" some fine wine, ale and liquor as well as some fashionable attire.


I arrived with three cases o' dodgey booze and an even dodgier shirt!
(http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/1686/uo00088yh.jpg) (http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/4164/uo00094nq.jpg)
Raiden ripped off?

The tavern seemed a little bare wi' only a handful of guardsmen but i was determined that we would have a good time. Just then tha' plucky little fella Tweeso an' some o' his friends arrived.

I thought we was bein' invaded at first but they all seemed friendly enough... they had obviuosly heard that i throw a good party!

With the drink flowing and the evening in full flow i asked Cor' Ari Ta to collect names for the lottery draw and i sorted out the darts contest.

(http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/8900/uo00123li.jpg) (http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/8537/uo00145os.jpg) (http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/4607/uo00152eb.jpg)
Raiden's tavern night in full flow.

A roast pig dinner was up for grabs for the darts contestants. A fine prize indeed! And it took some catchin'. Nicholi fancied 'is chances as did one or two other entrants. But the gorgeous Tammy one of Tweeso's friends top scored from her three throws to take home the spoils.

I offered tay join her for the meal along with some fine wine, candle lit  table etc. but i think her pigeon must 'av got eaten by panda's or something.

A young Recruit named Kyte had a lucky night! Not only did i agree tay take him on as an apprentice he won the lottery and the princely some of ten thousand gold coins in the form of a bank cheque. The lad favours the Dragoons i fear but i will tutor him in the ways of the army and brainwash him to join the mighty Highlanders.

A good night was had by all i think.


Raiden, Regular Highlander.

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Tweeso Pebble on March 18, 2006, 10:48:59 am
Althrough , I was in the Black team even if I often do show in green. The Black team assaulted and so on..
But a good training aswell.

Scout Sergeant Valiro Gryphonclaw
   Cove Army & Command

Title: Re: The Baron's Loyalty
Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on March 26, 2006, 03:51:55 pm
Fitness Training

Ordered by:
Highlander Corporal Delcarakdur.

Led By:
Nicholi~Junior Dragoon

Vincent Redfiled~Junior Dragoon
Cor'Ari Ta~Junior Scout
Hoagie~Junior Guardsman

I hade them start by stripping off there armor and start te run five laps aroun' da areana, te get them warmed up. After the warm up we started mustle building exercises. I 'ade 'em do a couple of press ups, all our Guardsmen 'ave to be strong!
After those press ups, weh started a toe-te-toe no movement boxen match. Te teach 'em how te take a few punchs an' deal wit' pain. I figure evereh guardsman need ter beh able te cope wit' a tad of pain.
Upon completeion of da boxen matches weh started some out numbered drills dat, Vincent asked fer. Dese drills didn't qwork out as I planned, so I jus' said "sod it!" an' weh finished up with da normal Free Fer All! an' of course Vincent was da victor here. I think everehone dat showed up fer dis trainin' left a bi' slimmer, an' maybe a little bruised. *smirks*

Nicholi Ravnthorn
Junior Dragoon