Title: Hunt To Exodus!! Post by: Samuel West on February 15, 2006, 11:23:40 pm Lead: Tom Sendrich, Regular Guardsman
Attended: Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer Vince Valentine, Officer Cadet Kurt, Regular Highalnder Ben Radau, Junior Scout Vincent Redfield, Junior Guardsman Edmund Rufus, Watchman Yue Yan, Recruit Salidin, Recruit Elk Baabs, Some strange wierdo Woke up and went outside. Saw Eason and a few guards. Eason was about to lead a hunt and so i joined. He gave me command to the hunt for my promotions... Then told where we were going. Exodus. I tried to hide in the barracks but he found me so i had to go. With a little help of Ben radau we went to a gate and proceded to compassion. Once at compassion we made our way to the gypsy camp and through the mines to the black castle. We attempted to get passed on seen but due to the lack of order following, *Slight cuts in the paper where the pen was pushed to hard* meant that we were attacked by a great many evil corrupt creatures and had to fall back. After a bit of yelling... We tried again and this time made it. Once passed that we found our way through a volcano to the exodus entrance, the entrance was guarded by daemons of the abyss. Once we hacked our way passed them we got to the hole into exodus which we jumped down. We looked around inside and found mechanical creatures... strange mechanical floating things. So we destroyed them. We looked around some more until it got boring and then we left. Everyone left by means of magic, except Eason and Kurt who wished to run through hell again. So we left them... So far they are yet to return... We fear the worst... So we have distributed their belongs between his close friends... I got his staff and horse. Their both very good. *A few roughly drawn pictures are pinned bellow* (http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/1962/exodus2jr.jpg) Gold Collected: 9346 *Signed* Tom Sendrich, Regular Guardsman Title: Re: Hunt To Exodus!! Post by: Kurt Alimar/Markus on February 16, 2006, 01:57:18 am Pah! Ye feared that I was dead?! Don't ye know?! I'm invincible!
Title: Re: Hunt To Exodus!! Post by: Gregor Eason on February 16, 2006, 04:52:09 am Oi! Give me back my horse!?
We made it back alive. *Nods firmly* A good Hunt, Sendrich! T'were a tough one but ye the did the job well! Good show. Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer Covian Army & Baronship Council |