Title: Ale Import! 20.00pm GMT, Saturaday 18/02/06 Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on February 16, 2006, 03:05:57 am When:
Saturday 18/02/06 20:00 GMT Where: Rally Outside the Barrocks Bring: Best Uniform, Parade arm, and rations for a long days travel. Cove seems te beh runnin' low on Ale! So, I have planned a bit o' a Import misstion te Skara Brea! This shall beh a long trip through the city of britian, and into Skara Brea. As dis mission is complete Cove will have all the Ale is needed. Even enought to supply da Grenadiers! All da gold used fer dis purchased will beh supplied by meh, so no reason te worry! Please, join meh on this wonderfull adventure and see a new town. *Signed* Nicholi Ravnthorn Watchman |