Title: Watchman's Trial: Edmund Rufus - COMPLETED Post by: Gregor Eason on February 16, 2006, 05:21:39 am "Rufus, Rufus, Rufus.. Feather's Apprentice. Hrmm.. Potential Light Company perhaps?" Eason stamped down on a parchment. Trial approved!
Watchman's Trial: Edmund Rufus Addressed to Watchman Edmund Rufus Rufus! Ye've been working away at ye promotion well. Not t'is time for the real gem. The Watchman's Trial. This is ye opportunity to display ye commitment and hard working nature to the Covian Army and, ultimately, the Baronship of Cove. Get the Trial done quickly, polishing off ye requirements, and ye may very well be receiving the Covian Cap this Sunday. Tally HO! Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer Tasks * Lead a Training Session inside the Covian Walls. Conditions * Patrol must include at least THREE other guardsmen. * Camp must be set up and held DURING the night. * Training Session must include at least THREE other guardsmen. * Knowledge gathered on Auxil must be extensive. Check old Reports, speak with witnesses, and so on. * ALL aspects of this Trial must be documented in THIS thread. Good Luck! Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Edmund Rufus Post by: Leofwin Edmundson on February 17, 2006, 05:38:15 pm Investigation into Auxil: Interim Report
Edmund settles down to write his report. He had been concerned but not overly worried about the recent strange events around Cove. Now he had dug deeper he was worried, deeply worried. With his hand trembling slightly he sets quill to parchment To Exploring Officer Eason Sir. Here is my report on my investigations so far. I had planned to complete my enquiries before reporting but I hope that reporting now will encourage others to come forward with information. Futhermore I believe Cove to be in great danger and hope that I may convince others of the need for action! Thus far I have completed the following: Examined and summarised the army reports Checked the Archives in the library Conducted interviews with Kurt and Hrothgar Summary of Army Reports Day 1: Delcarakdur apprehends a criminal who has assaulted him. Prisoner gives his name as George. Hrothgar reconises a sketch of the prisoner as a man who was talking of paying homage to a deity called Auxil (http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/1235/george1fd.jpg) Day 2: Bayne and Junior Redfield arrest a man who attacked them. He has a mask sewn onto his face. This man is later identified as Regnier. (http://img50.imageshack.us/img50/4617/regnier13yv.jpg) Day 3: Nicholi, Althalus and Kurt come across the mutilated corpses of Covian citizens along with a warning note. (http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/3570/warningbookkurt4wf.jpg) Later the same day Thomas Sendrich is attacked by a masked man whilst on watch at the prison. No-one escapes but a prisoner is found gashed and bruised. Day 5: Delcarakdur reports finding Redgar, Chaffers and Vincent Redfield badley shaken after an encounter with a being clothed entirely in red. (http://img50.imageshack.us/img50/2617/thinginred5au.png) Day 6: The following Event was not reported in the army log. I report it now as I was there. After attacking Delcarakdur the man known as Regnier was taken into custody. We had just got him into the cells when some-one dressed entirely in Black descended the stairs. I do not know what happened after this as I must have fallen asleep. When I awoke the figure in black (The Black Wizard?) and the prisoner Regnier were gone. ( Note to Exploring Officer Eason: My deepest apologies sir. I did not report this in the army log as I was afraid I would be punished for sleeping on duty. ) Day 7: Adrain Starspan reports seeing a man who was talking of Auxil a “new deity over Cove”. This man later murders Martyn Ravnthorn by throwing the injured man from the barracks roof. The murderer is later identified, by Kurt, as Regnier. Day 8: Dermott Eason reports on a patrol to the Orc fort. Shortly after hearing a huge cheer and shouting from the Orcs a person or being, dressed entirely in red appears and vanquishes them. (http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/3504/dermottover4cg.gif) Interviews Conducted Kurt: Kurt found the warning note now on display in the barracks. He considers the stories of The Black Wizard as a bluff to scare us into submission. (http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/1059/kurt9gq.jpg) Hrothgar: Told me that tales of The Black Wizard were part of Covian folklore, not being a native Covian I was unaware of this so will check in the library archives for information. He seems to give the tales of the Black Wizard a little more credance than Kurt. He also revealed: * The Black Wizard is always present in or around Cove. He may sleep or be awakened. * He goes by many names among them: Talib Idil, Bazilius and Auxil. This suggests that the Black Wizard and Auxil are one and the same. * He is a powerful Mage able to level mountains and defeat huge armies single handed. * It has been many years since he was last vanquished but Hrothgar does not believe him slain. * He was last defeated with the help of an Elven Warrior Priest (Note to self: Notes are unclear here. On whose side was the Priest?) (http://img133.imageshack.us/img133/9060/hrothgar0lp.jpg) Legend from Library Now realising The Black Wizard as part of Covian legend I searched the library and came across this dusty tome….. (http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/8619/book24lg.jpg) So the Orcs worship him! This perhaps explains the experience reported by Dermott Here are my thoughts thus far: The main protagonists appear to be: * Auxil: A Deity * The being in red: Possibly Auxil or one of his powerful acolytes * The Black Wizard: According to Hrothgar may also be Auxil but the Warning note spoke of “Auxil and The Black Wizard” as separate beings. * Regnier: A servant of Auxil and the Black Wizard. * George: Probably a false name. This may be Regnier before a mask was sewn to his face. He was only seen on that first day. From Dermott Eason’s report and the Tome found in the archive there is clearly Orc involvement but as the army of Auxil, The Being in Red or Black Wizard not as the main power. Further interviews to conduct: * Hrothgar: Need to clarify, did the Elven Warrior Priest Hrothgar speak of fight with or against The Black Wizard? * Delcarakdur: What does he remember of the day of Regnier’s imprisonment and how did Regnier break free? He was leading the patrol when the Red Being emerged. What else can he tell me? * Thomas Sendrich: Who was the battered and bruised prisoner after the masked man’s (presumably Regnier’s) visit. * Adrian: What else can he tell me about the day of Martyn Ravnthorn’s death? * Bayne: Details of what Regnier said about the Black Wizard * Dermott Eason: The appearance of the Red Being at the Orc Fort. I will submit my final report when I have conducted these enquiries Signed Edmund Rufus, Watchman Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Edmund Rufus Post by: Samuel West on February 17, 2006, 05:41:29 pm Interesting.
Good report watchman. Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Edmund Rufus Post by: Jenifer Feather on February 18, 2006, 11:43:05 am Grand Work Lad! Good ter see you gittin' yer trials done! Ye'll be Junior in no time!!
Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Edmund Rufus Post by: Gregor Eason on February 18, 2006, 02:11:38 pm That's an excellent collection of information. Indeed ye have the Light Company ears and eyes.
Good show! Gregor Eason, Exploring Officer Covian Army & Baronship Council Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Edmund Rufus Post by: Leofwin Edmundson on February 22, 2006, 05:45:55 pm Cove Training
When 21st Feb 2006, 19:00 Hrs Where Farm Fields, Cove In Command Edmund Rufus, Watchman Present Kas Valentine Hoagie Regdar Kurt Yue Yan Dylan Freewater Jonas Ancroft (In part) I took the troops to the farm fields in Cove for a bit o’ trainin’ (http://img333.imageshack.us/img333/8064/13hd.jpg) After a kit inspection and warm up we ran through a few orders and formations. Every-one did well so we moved onto some combat work. First a last man standin’ eventually won by Regdar……… (http://img347.imageshack.us/img347/3760/23gm1.jpg) and then as two groups of three for team combat. Well done Kurt’s team. (http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/5923/30ld.jpg) My first trainin’ session in command. Dismissed! (http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/2056/41px.jpg) Signed Edmund Rufus, Watchman Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Edmund Rufus Post by: Leofwin Edmundson on February 23, 2006, 10:24:45 pm The Bloody Patrol
When 23rd Feb 2006, 20:00 Hrs Where The Shire of Cove In Command Edmund Rufus Present Kas Valentine Regdar Dalamar Vincent Redfield (http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/7594/settingout6kr.jpg) We patrolled the road to the East. All was quiet so we turned back West through the forest to the Graveyard. A bit o’ tidying up required here so we set to work. (http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/8109/graveyard13sy.jpg) (http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/553/graveyard27gk.jpg) By the time we finished it the sun had set so we set off to find a good camp spot for the night. We never got that far for as we exited the graveyard the bloodied red creature, the creation of Auxil appeared and demanded we leave the area. I know we were about ta’ leave but I wasn’t going to be told what ta’ do by this blood soaked abomination. A few words were exchanged and we came to blows. After a few blows I fell but my noble comrades continued the struggle. Special commendation to Vincent Redfield who fought on when all others had succumbed ……………… (http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/1243/bloodythingatbarracks3ct.jpg) …………………although I believe the battle has taken its toll on him. A somewhat battered patrol returns to the barracks (http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/5620/dismissed2dz.jpg) It is clear that the Black Wizard has remade his bloody aid. His presence near the graveyard indicates that he is now carrying out his makers commands and recruiting the undead. Signed Edmund Rufus, Watchman [OOC] Apologies for the lack of a night time picture. I forgot to hit the save button. Doh! [OOC] Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Edmund Rufus Post by: Jenifer Feather on February 23, 2006, 11:09:25 pm Yahar! Grand work Edmund, Grand work indeed! We will be seeing you in green soon!
Signed: Jenife Feather. |