Title: Hunting for the coffers Post by: Regdar Le Faye on February 22, 2006, 04:49:58 pm Guardsman in attendance:
Regdar, Watchman (leading) I sat 'round tha barracks lookin' fer somethin' t' do when I noticed tha' I still 'ad money t' collect fer tha coffers. I looked fer some guardsman t' take on a hunt with meh but no one was t' beh found. I ran t' despise an' fought many a foes, includin' giant walkin' lizards, tha two 'eaded thin's an' 'em movin' rocks. They fell t' meh sword one by one, 'ittin' tha ground 'arder each time. (http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/4273/coffers4am.jpg) I took all their riches includin' coins an' jewels, which i sold t' tha store fer coins. Nay injuries sustained an' I think next time I do go thar, tha' all 'em monsters'll beh cryin' fer thar mothers. Gold collected: 11544 (http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/8272/coffers27pj.jpg) *Signed* Watchman Regdar |