Title: Hunt to orc Fort Post by: Dalamar on February 26, 2006, 07:16:09 pm Hunt to orc fort
Leader: Jenifer Feathers Guardsmen: Dalamar, Watchman Edmund Rufus, Watchman After training held by Jenifer ended Valinor came to us and told Jenifer to take me and Edmund for hunt as he can’t do it because paper he has. After short thinking Jenifer decided that our task is to kill 3 orc Brutes those huge overgrown orcs. So we went forced march to orc fort (http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/1818/kuva16mi.th.jpg) (http://img207.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kuva16mi.jpg) When we got to orc fort Jenifer teached us about stealthers attacking tactics and how we should work as group. After short lesson we started to practise it in common. We started move slowly towards orc fort and suddenly we got assaulted by wave of orcs protected with orc shamans. But we easily hit them to ground. (http://img487.imageshack.us/img487/2667/kuva22vh.th.jpg) (http://img487.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kuva22vh.jpg) Finaly we found our first Brute and soon we managed pull it down to ground and slice it’s throat. And off we went to hunt another. Not long we had to seek for one when we ran on to it’s legs. Second one was bit harder and it got realy lucky shot on Edmund who fell down to ground with all air knocked out from his lungs. Lucky Valiro came for our aid, sadly after we got our second one down he had to leave. (http://img453.imageshack.us/img453/5476/kuva37rc.th.jpg) (http://img453.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kuva37rc.jpg) Third one was hard to find as it was hiding behind walls but we managed found little opening in wall and I was lucky carrying bow so I took my time and shot few well aimed arrows and drop it down suffocating to it’s own blood. And so we got our third one down. (http://img453.imageshack.us/img453/4026/kuva43cx.th.jpg) (http://img453.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kuva43cx.jpg) Once again succsessfull hunt. *Signed with red ink* Dalamar, Watchman Title: Re: Hunt to orc Fort Post by: Jenifer Feather on February 26, 2006, 07:37:42 pm Har! Another gradn report Lad! Keep them coming like this an ye'll be in yer cap in no time! A grand hunt too, some fancy shooting from yer!
Signed: Jenifer Feather |