Title: Dragoon Trials - Geit Arma - COMPLETE Post by: Joey Lanai on February 27, 2006, 12:44:15 pm Dragoon Trials
Geit Arma Congratulations on making it into the trial phase, soon enough you'll earn your Neophyte status and begin your training, after you complete the Dragoon Trials ofcourse! Your Tasks
**************************************** Goodluck *Signed* - Joey Lanai, Dragoon Corporal Title: Re: Dragoon Trials - Geit Arma Post by: Arma Renox on February 27, 2006, 03:48:22 pm February 27th 2006, 3:00pm GMT
Hunt for a Dragon Well, I thought it best to get started... I got up in the Stronghold, to find blood and bootmarks allover the watchtower. Seems a bit of Scout training had been going on! I picked up the sheaf of papers at my desk that I had been giving outlining my Trials. The empty echoing of the Stronghold told me no one was about, so I opted to go for the solo task: Dragon Slaying. (http://www.blindmansworkshop.com/boc/Dragoon%20Trials/dragonslaying1.jpg) Venturing to Destard I made my way to the Minoc moongate. After consulting the maps in the War Room, I discovered that heading to Skara Brae would take me closest to Destard. I crossed to the mainland by the means of a kindly ferryman, and made my way to the dungeon entrance. (http://www.blindmansworkshop.com/boc/Dragoon%20Trials/dragonslaying2.jpg) Making My Way Inside To my His tasty snack drew his attention however, and I managed to land a firm blow to his leg. This seemed to keep him stranded for a while, and I was able to Skirmish the beast. However a few of his smaller cousins soon joined him, and all at once I thought I was finished. I dispatched the weaker beasts and returned my focus to the dragon. He was bleeding now, a large gash in his neck. I summoned all of the holy might I could muster, swinging my mace and forcing myself to remember all the training and tactics I had recieved. (http://www.blindmansworkshop.com/boc/Dragoon%20Trials/dragonslaying3.jpg) Slaying the Beast Finaly, with a great roar, the beast fell. I took a moment, on the verge of collapse, to attend to my greatest wounds. The fire of battle emptying from my veins, I ripped the largest, smoothest claw from the beast with boot knife. I dragged my weary body slowly back to the Stronghold. I hope this report is satisfactory. *a bag is attatched, soaked in blood, containing a large, smooth Dragon's claw* *signed* -Geit Arma- Title: Re: Dragoon Trials - Geit Arma Post by: Arma Renox on February 27, 2006, 11:12:36 pm February 27th 2006, 9:30pm GMT
Collecting Shadow Ore / Orc Brute Slaying Lead by myself, Geit Arma With Jonas Ancroft Kas Valentine Yue Yan Gimbly Olchafa Serpernt My second trial: assembling a team to free the orcs of some of their resources! I managed to rally a good sized force at the gates to the Stronghold. I tested their battle cries, trying to send them into a fighting frenzy after an earlier defeat at the hands of Royalists. I inspected their supplies, and decided we were ready to begin. (http://www.blindmansworkshop.com/boc/Dragoon%20Trials/orcbrutes1.jpg) Rallying the Troops We reformed again at the entrance to the mountains, and I gave the troops more detailed instructions for what I required, and gave them some battle orders. We began our assault on the orcish fiends, eliminating the guards at the gate. (http://www.blindmansworkshop.com/boc/Dragoon%20Trials/orcbrutes2.jpg) Beginning the Assault The first brute set upon us quickly. They seemed to like whatever scent Jonas was wearing, as they swarmed him and knocked him a few times. But the brave lad picked himself up time after time and we slew the original beast. But it was not long before the second approached us. (http://www.blindmansworkshop.com/boc/Dragoon%20Trials/orcbrutes3.jpg) Slaying the Brutes We had the ore I required for my trials, but the troops still needed a lift, some more passion! So I rallied them on to taking down one more brute. And, as fate should have it, we encountered a fourth as we attempted to make our escape, due to some members of the team being so weighed down with the ore we had gathered. (http://www.blindmansworkshop.com/boc/Dragoon%20Trials/orcbrutes4.jpg) Enthusiasm Please! We finaly escaped the fort and made our way back to the Stronghold. I attempted to encourage a bit more speed in the men, so I set them a little... challenge! Unfortunately, a certain Mr. Valentine lost the race, even without a heavy shield or weapon to carry like the rest of us non-arcanists! Overall I was proud of the team, we gathered as much ore as we could carry, totalling 79 pieces of ore! More than enough for my trials. We also obtained over 6000 gold pieces for the Army Coffers. Joey sir, I'll get you the ore as soon as possible. *signed* -Geit Arma- *a note is attached* Jonas also requested to write a report to help for his promotion. Never one to deny a recruit some work, I allowed him to do so! It should be posted on this board somewhere. Title: Re: Dragoon Trials - Geit Arma Post by: Joey Lanai on February 28, 2006, 11:40:39 am Excelent work so far! only the Cerimony to go.