Title: Hall of Champions Post by: Joey Lanai on February 15, 2005, 06:07:01 pm (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//hallofchampionsheader.JPG) Here all the previous champions and current champion of the Tournament are honoured for their efforts, may their names go down in history... Current Champion: Edward, Guardsman Recruit. Tournament Top 10 Pos. Name - Pts 1 Hoagie Grayner - 49 2 Joey Lanai - 46 3 Raiden Morana - 38 4 Vincent Redfield - 36 5 Gregor Eason - 22 6 Gord Blackwell - 20 7 Cassius Livius - 19 8 Mikael Orcreft - 17 9 Hrothgar - 16 10 Tiberius - 14 1st Place - 10 Points 2nd Place - 6 Points 3rd Place - 3 Points Entry - 1 Point (February 2005) First Tournament Champion: Cassius Livius Second Place: Shadwell Third Place: Armand Host: Arc (March 2005) Second Tournament Champion: Tiberius Second Place: Cassius Livius Third Place: Kevin Sinclair Host: Arc (April 2005) Third Tournament Champion: Gord Blackwell Second Place: Aileron Third Place: Gregor Eason Host: Gregor Eason (May 2005) Fourth Tournament Champion: Mikael Orcreft Second Place: Grief Dryfh Gry Third Place: Gimbly Host: Arc (June 2005) Fifth Tournament Champion: Gord Blackwell Second Place: Talon Third Place: Cassius Livius Host: Arc (July 2005) Sixth Tournament Champion: Nashiem De'Monti Second Place: Regdar Third Place: Hrothgar Host: Arc (August 2005) Seventh Tournament Champion: Gregor Eason Second Place: Joey Lanai Third Place: Host: Arc (September 2005) Eighth Tournament Champion: Hrothgar Second Place: Gregor Eason Third Place: Erik Arkay Host: Joey Lanai (October 2005) Ninth Tournament Champion: Joey Lanai Second Place: Roland Dagorian Third Place: Kiran Host: Joey Lanai (November 2005) Tenth Tournament Champion: Hoagie Second Place: Erik Arkay Third Place: Drachir Host: Raiden Morana (Janurary 2006) Eleventh Tournament Champion: Vincent Redfield Second Place: Mikael Orcreft Third Place: Joey Lanai Host: Joey Lanai (February 2006) Twelth Tournament Champion: Joey Lanai Second Place: Hoagie Third Place: Valiro Host: Joey Lanai (March 2006) Thirteenth Tournament Champion: Vincent Redfield Second Place: Joey Lanai Third Place: Hoagie Host: Joey Lanai (June 2006) Fourteenth Tournament Champion: Vincent Redfield Second Place: Joey Lanai Third Place: Hoagie Host: Joey Lanai (September 2006) Fifteenth Tournament Champion: Joey Lanai Second Place: Vincent Redfield Third Place: Kurt Host: Joey Lanai (October 2006) Sixteenth Tournament Champion: Desmond Krieger Second Place: Flina Trix Third Place: Himasa Host: Joey Lanai and Mikaela (April 2007) Seventeenth Tournament Champion: Demarian Tel'var Second Place: Ditriteous Third Place: Raiden Morana Host: Demarian Tel'var (January 2009) Eighteenth Tournament Champion: Raiden Morana Second Place: Hoagie Third Place: Raven Host: Raiden Morana (February 2009) Nineteenth Tournament Champion: Hoagie Second Place: Raiden Morana Third Place: Marcus Tel'var Host: Raiden Morana (March 2009) Twentieth Tournament Champion: Raiden Morana Second Place: Hoagie Third Place: Adrastea Martin Host: Raiden Morana (October 2009) Twenty First Tournament Champion: Edward Second Place: Raiden Morana Third Place: Delferium Host: Demarian Tel'var (May 2011) Twenty Second Tournament Champion: Tommy Nottinbury Second Place: Fritz Segur Third Place: N/A Host: Ilyana Drachen (June 2018) Twenty Third Tournament Champion: Second Place: Third Place: Host: Keitaro Kazami Title: Re: Hall of Champions Post by: Joey Lanai on March 20, 2006, 01:30:01 pm Points added for Entry into the Tournament!