Title: Report: Training o' Dalamar Post by: Jenifer Feather on February 27, 2006, 07:13:13 pm Training in the Scout Halls
Led By: Jenifer Feather Present: Dalamar Decided it was time fer my apprentice ter be thoughrally checked before he recieved his Covian cap, which will be soon if he gets ter work on advertising an' his trials are decided! After Edmund recieved his last night my record wont be too bad! I first checked he had all of his equipment and my gosh did he!! He had three different light sources, three different bandages piles an' his roll an' parade arm in excelent condition! (http://img478.imageshack.us/img478/5417/daltraining0rg.png) Jenifer Tries to catch Dal out... After he showed me how good his equipment was i decided it was time fer some physical exercise, naw i joined in 'cause i hadn't done much exercisin' terday an' thought it would be good fer me, we did push-ups, squats an' a quick sprint! An important part o' the scouting world! (http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/205/daltraining25kg.png) Physical Exercise goes well... After this i decided it was time ter patrol the area as an example of what he will be doing once he recieves his Covian Cap! Condition o' the watchman - Fit as a Fiddle. Signed : Jenifer Feather. |