Title: Hunt To Spiritualty Insundar Post by: Leloo on February 27, 2006, 09:53:17 pm Date and Time: 26Th Feb , 8:25 GMT
Where: A cave near spirituality gate Commanding officer= Jenifer Feather , Junior scout Attending officers: I am sorry but i didn't see everyone who Kas vantine went on the hunt so if i have missed ye out Vincent Valentine then Please inform me leloo regdar Yue Yan Geit Arma Nicholi The bright day sun glared onwards as Jenifer informed us on the task ahead , once we had been brief we were directed towards a gate to insandar , the guardsmen charged valiantly with no fear into the portal ready for battle and screaming there fearsome war cry. (http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/7954/untitled15ks.png) The gate brought us out at the spiritually moongate , we goatherd and charged towards some sort of ruins which were infested with undead scum. This was no match for the all mighty militia so are leader gave us more of a challenge by leading us down a set of stair into a dark blood stricken tunnel. (http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/4758/untitled35xx.png) The guardsmen advanced on the leaders word in the true covian way (screaming) we worked are way thought these tunnels slaying any beast which go tin the way. We hacked daemons appart and sliced subbures into pieces once again no proving to be a challenge for these valiant fellows. after disposing of the last demons Jenifer decided to call it a day and we fled the tunnels back to the gate and back to are noble home land. (http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/1194/untitled26hi.png) After sucessfully making it back in one piece the gold was collected and are shares of the winnings were given it total sum of the gold was round about forty thousend gold! Another successful Hunt for the covain militia. *sighed in barely legable words* Watchman,Leloo Title: Re: Hunt To Spiritualty Insundar Post by: Jenifer Feather on February 27, 2006, 10:55:36 pm Gran' report There Leloo Very fanceh sketches too!
I would like ter add tha' i did also grab meself a hunting trophy, sinch tha' was th' aim o' the hunt.. the Wing bone o' the Succubi. Signed: Jenifer Feather [OOC] 3D are you MAD!!! BEALRUGH! loooks good on sketches though... [/OOC] Title: Re: Hunt To Spiritualty Insundar Post by: Raiden Morana on February 27, 2006, 11:27:26 pm Spectacular report indeed Leloo.
Looks like i missed out on a grand hunt. Keep up the good work lass and get yerself promoted! *grins* *signed* Raiden, Regular Highlander. Title: Re: Hunt To Spiritualty Insundar Post by: Leofwin Edmundson on February 28, 2006, 02:25:43 am A grand report Leloo.
Just like to point out I was there with ye! Signed Edmund Rufus Title: Re: Hunt To Spiritualty Insundar Post by: Dalamar on February 28, 2006, 06:37:43 am Indeed grand report! Those sketches are ingredible!!
But I have to remind too that I was also there *Singed with red ink* Dalamar, watchman Title: Re: Hunt To Spiritualty Insundar Post by: Ben Radau on February 28, 2006, 07:58:50 am *grumbles*
How could you miss me? I saved your ass with my magic, gal!! *grumbles and walks away* Pah, all non-Scouts are crap! Title: Re: Hunt To Spiritualty Insundar Post by: Salidin on February 28, 2006, 08:55:42 am this was a fun hunt and i would like to say i was there also we got some good gold for this bottle of fine cider i am drinking now "glug glug"