Title: Dragoon Trials - Dylan Freewater Post by: Joey Lanai on March 02, 2006, 05:00:41 pm Dragoon Trials
Dylan Freewater Good work so far, lets see what your made of. Your Tasks
**************************************** Goodluck *Signed* - Joey Lanai, Dragoon Corporal Title: Re: Dragoon Trials - Dylan Freewater Post by: Dylan on March 02, 2006, 05:23:45 pm *Dylan limps up to the board and pins a message mumbling to himself "Now where is some cold water fer these burns...*
Damn Dragons! Nay one said thet'd be tha' dangerous! Pah! Cute fellahs though.. could'nt bring meself to slay one of the beautiful red ones.. waited till i found a brawn scabby lookin' one. E' put up a bloody good fight! Smashed me this way an' tha', after a lot or runnin' about bandagin' meself an' makin th' creature bleed i was able ter grab me a claw.. Tough stuff though Ser! Hoh ! Would never call these trails easeh!! (http://img416.imageshack.us/img416/6629/dylansdragoon4cd.png) The battle takes place.. Signed : Dylan Freewater. Title: Re: Dragoon Trials - Dylan Freewater Post by: Dylan on March 07, 2006, 08:15:21 pm *A Hastily Scribbled Note...*
Joey Ser, I am afraid i cannot continue with meh Trials an will not be joinin' th' Dragoons. I am afriad tha' i cannot be a leader o' men with yer. I will only drag yer force down! I am also nay yet strong enough as a fighter.. I wish ter train more... Then amybe one day.. i will apply again.. Signed : Dylan Freewater [OOC] : Havnt got the time to play two characters at the momenta nd i'd rather focus on Jen.. After my exams Dylan will be back with more music plaiyng fun!! [/OOC] |