Title: Report - The Great Covian Picnic! Post by: Jenifer Feather on March 03, 2006, 08:14:25 am The Great Covian Picnic
Led By: Jenifer Feather PResent: Leloo Regdar Vincent Redfield Vince Valentine Kurt Nicholi Laurina Mikael The tired guardsmen needed a rest after a long day of dueling, training, patroling an' sentry..ing. So I took them to an empty field in Ilshnar an' hosted an enjoyable picnic in the loverly setting sun, after alot of eating and socialising a small firendly game of capture the dye tub was held, the two teams... Team Green! - Nicholi Vincent Redfield Team Red! - Kurt Jenifer Feather Team Red won both rounds an' took the title of champion dye tub capturers! (http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/5238/picnic8ih.jpg) The Picnic in full flow.. Signed: Jenifer Feather |