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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Delcarakdur on March 03, 2006, 12:32:55 pm

Title: Highlander Trials: Jack Sinist
Post by: Delcarakdur on March 03, 2006, 12:32:55 pm
*sitting in the highlander base and looking over the mountains, Delcarakdur suddenly remembered how few they were in the Highlanders Corps. Thinking of his alternatives while muttering*
"Max? No, too low rank, and that leaves me with that Cheeky Jack Sinist lad"
"I Don't have a choice eh?!".
*Sitting down and beginning to scribble on a small piece of paper.*


Addressed to Jack Sinist

Congratulations upon receiving these Highlander trials Junior. I can only hope that your determination and professional attitude will guide you trough them.

- Firstly, I want you to lead a squad of highlanders to the orc fort in order to aquire 100 shadow ore from orc brutes. This will give you experience in fighting with us.
- Secondly, I want you to travel to the place where antlions dwell and slay them in order to collect 25 bronze ore for your uniform. This will ensure your personal skill at arms.
- Lastly, I want you to lead a highlander conditioning training.

Good luck!

Delcarakdur, Officer Cadet of the 3rd Glenmore Highlanders


*folding the paper and attaching it to a falcon' leg, Delcarakdur watched the bird fly away

Title: Re: Highlander Trials: Jack Sinist
Post by: John Dell on March 03, 2006, 12:44:20 pm
Jack awakes from his un-easy sleep when the falcon majesticly swooped down before him. Jack muttered something about blood floating as he quickly removes the letter from its leg, carefully eyeing the falcon's beak as he did so.

He began to write a reply...


Thank you for this chance sir, I -will- do my best.

Jack Sinist

Title: Re: Highlander Trials: Jack Sinist
Post by: Raiden Morana on March 03, 2006, 12:55:15 pm
As he passed the notice board at the Highlander Headquarters Raiden noticed a piece of paper fluttering in the breeze.

My apprentice has his trials eh? Well it's a good life in the Highlanders Jack... if ye can stay alive!

Well done laddie!

And good luck!


Raiden, Regular Highlander.

Title: Bronze colored blood..
Post by: John Dell on March 03, 2006, 08:28:50 pm
Lets be daring.. Jack thought to himself as he read the list of tasks he had to do. "Firstly; lead a patrol to the orc fort and gather..." No Jack thought to himself. "Secondly; you are to travel to the ant lions cave and collect br..." "Well atleast I can do this one myself.."

Jack started his walk through the misty forest that covered the small town of Cove, muttering to himself about flat chickens and raging mages...

The safest bet would be to find that big hole near the moon gate, he thought to himself as he walked along the road. He began to walk on a smaller road leading into the forest, odd sounds could be heard from the forest, apart from the trees swinging, hearing leafs falling, owls...owling, sounds...almost like bones rattling in the wind. Jack thought he was imagening when he suddently came upon an small hole. Jack quickly drew his mace and a torch and jumped down.

A long tunnel revelead itself when he raised the torch, a few ant workers quickly fell to his swift mace swings. He walked along the close walls holding his torch far up to be able to see any aggressors as early as possible.

There it was... the ant lion cave. To easy the thought to himself...


Second Task - Collect 25 Bronze ore from ant lion cave

I arrived at the ant cave with ease. Slayed armies of ant warriors before I could get near the ant lions recidence. I slayed a big deal of those ant lions before I could be able to collect all of the bronze ore. But once I did I stayed a little longer. Then I left..

I left the way I came. Got home, dumped the bronze somewhere safe.


Jack sweated as he hammered one ant lion after the other, unable to find any bronze ore at all. After alot of blood, sweat and tears he finaly gathered the ore from the ant lions. Being heavily loaded he was staggering his way back the way he came. With alot of work he is finaly able to climb up the hole. and begins to walk towards a clearing. "Hmm.. where did the road go..?" "But.. whats this? This is not Cove.. " He suddently releases he is in hostile land when he hears the horrid sounds of Trinsician guards chatting. "Where am I?" "How did I get here?"

He quickly ran for the moon gate in hope no one had cought him. Tired and out of breath he made his way home to Cove. Finaly.. the bloody bronze was gathered.

Jack Sinist

Title: Re: Highlander Trials: Jack Sinist
Post by: John Dell on March 07, 2006, 11:28:40 pm
First Task - Collect 100 Shadow Ore from the Orc Fort

Lead By:
Junior Jack Sinist

Assisted by:
Corporal Delcarakdur
Regular Raiden Morana

For my Highlander trials I was to collect one hundred of shadow ore from the orc fort. The only Orcs with Shadow ore in possetion is the brutes. This giant orcs rips armies of recruits apart in one strike. So generally I was the one that was to lead a raid on them. With the assistance off Highlander Corporal Delcarakdur and Regular Highlander Raiden Morana.


After bashing our way between orc watchers outside the fort. The regular orcs seemed.. almost scared about something, running around like little chickens all around outside the fort. Then we saw why, a big head rose above the walls, it was a brute. We rushed at it and quickly engadged in combat.


Slaying the brute was of course just as easy as I predicted before. Hitting the right place at the right time, all together did its work.


We continued in after we collected its giant stash of ore. After slaying it we met heavy resistance, once the remaining orcs gathered their courage after their big friends death, we where quickly routed. But as said so many times before.. nothing can stand in the way for covian might.


After a few fallen brutes and the ore requered collected we tacticaly withdrew from the fort.


Resources Collected: 125 Shadow Ore

Jack Sinist

Title: Re: Highlander Trials: Jack Sinist
Post by: Delcarakdur on March 23, 2006, 08:50:35 pm
Get on with the last task!

Delcarakdur, Highlander Corporal

Title: Re: Highlander Trials: Jack Sinist
Post by: Raiden Morana on May 10, 2006, 10:48:01 am
Word has it ye've been barred from all the taverns in Sosaria Jack and tha' yer back?

Time ter get on wi' the final task of yer trials then!


Show the other guardsmen how Highlanders can train!

Sweat them Jack, sweat them!


Raiden, Senior Highlander.