Title: Guardsman Hunt - Snake Slaughter! Post by: Raiden Morana on March 03, 2006, 10:14:55 pm *weary after a hot day's slaughter Raiden pens his report*
Led by: Raiden, Regular Highlander. Attended by: Kas Valentine, Regular Guardsman. Regdar, Junior Guardsman. Edmund Rufus, Junior Guardsman. After we broke sentry at the Altmere I suggested to Kal that 'e could use 'is wytchery to take us on a hunt. I needed some combat practice after a while away from meh duties an' he said he knew just the place to... ease meh back into things. Gah! Snakes! I 'ates snakes! Big buggers they were but we made short work ov 'em. But alas we were driven back by the hordes that re-inforced the slimey beggars. Some intelligent work by Kas an' some dogged determination by the rest o' us carried the day. (http://img422.imageshack.us/img422/451/uo00013qb.jpg) (http://img422.imageshack.us/img422/5315/uo00098rw.jpg) (http://img422.imageshack.us/img422/7900/uo00115is.jpg) We returned to the barracks battered and bruised but ultimately victorius! As i 'as to collect SIXTY THOUSAND gold pieces for meh promotional requirements i thought i best make a start! So I by contributed the EIGHT THOUSAND that we brought back from the hunt - only FIFTY TWO THOUSAND tay go! (http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/9614/uo00141il.jpg) YARR!!! As a side note. I nay know if Regdar has chosen a squad tay join yet but on this showing I reckons 'e has the makings of a Highhlander! *signed* Raiden, Regular Highlander. |