Title: Event Completed Post by: Leofwin Edmundson on March 05, 2006, 12:05:16 pm Sentry Construction and Training
When 19:00 GMT 5th March 2006 Where Rally outside barracks Bring Kit bag bandages Armour and arms of your choice. Medium Crates Hides We will construct a sentry in the mountain pass in the depths of the dungeon Covetous where, with the assistance of me mentor, Jenifer Feather, we will learn about attacking and defending a sentry from sneak attacks. Signed Edmund Rufus, Junior Guardsman Title: Re: Sentry Construction and Training 19:00 GMT Post by: Leofwin Edmundson on March 05, 2006, 07:57:13 pm [OOC] My apologies that this did not happen. My connection kept dropping and only reconnecting for a few seconds so I was only able to get any kind of word through until after the start time. I will reschedule. [/OOC]