Title: Late Night Training Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on March 06, 2006, 04:20:16 am Led By:
Kurt~Regular Highlander Attending: Nicholi~Junior Dragoon Vincent Redfield~Junior Dragoon Jack Sinist~Junior Guardsman Kurt led a small training late this night, just te keep us on our toes. He started by having a kit check, and for everything missin' weh were te run one lap. Following the Kit Check, and running, He hade us do a few simple commands, checking our reflex time. After this we moved on to battle training where Sinist fought Vincent. It was an easy match when Sinist fell in a few moments. (http://img379.imageshack.us/img379/9389/training4yh.jpg) After the battle training, Kurt hade us finish up with some Healing Training. Kurt paired me with Sinist and our goal was to stay up as Vincent attacked us. If anyone fell, the foit would beh stoped. After ten minutes of a grewling foit, Vincent fell. Me and Sinsit were Victorious! Kurt dissmissed us later, with words of wisdom "Teamwork can overcome even the burtest of enemies"I find this very true, and I think Teamwork is what kept me and Sinist going fer Ten minutes. *Signed* Nicholi Ravnthorn Junior Dragoon |