Title: Recruitment Attempt Post by: Samuel West on March 06, 2006, 05:40:51 pm Those involved: Tom Sendrich, Regular Dragoon
I noteced that nothing was being run and that all the recruits and officers were all asleep. So i decided to go recruit some more to replace the lazy bums that call themselves covian soldiers, excluding Dragoon Nicholi who was recovering from his... unneccesery punishment. I went to Britain, the centre of the royalist inflicted opression were i spread the news of another place were they could be free from the kings iron fist and life free. I sat on my horse, not dissmounting incasei had to get a quick get a way, as there were british guards patroling the streets. I told the depressed and poor people of the great baronship, how they could life free of his opression and heavy taxes. I also spread that they could even fight back to free their fellow sosarian friends by joining the covian army. During my mission i believe i saw many an interested face, and even a few people run home to start what looked like packing. (http://img316.imageshack.us/img316/7292/uopics00018km.jpg)(http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/5808/uopics00028op.jpg) (http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/5371/uopics00030el.jpg) (http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/6008/uopics00059oa.jpg) Title: Re: Recruitment Attempt Post by: Joey Lanai on March 07, 2006, 02:43:42 pm Good effort Tom, keep up the good work.
- Joey |