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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Samuel West on March 06, 2006, 08:27:50 pm

Title: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua
Post by: Samuel West on March 06, 2006, 08:27:50 pm
First off, i would like to apauliges to Officer Cadet Kal ShdowHand and Regular Scout Jennifer Feather for my offencive language towards you and your squad, it won't happen again.

On to the main subject.
I had just joined the procedings of a training session held by Officer Cadet Kal ShadowHand, The training had just finished when Junior Scout Ben Radua transformed into ferret form and proceded to bite my leg, normally this would not bother me. I would just tell him to not do it again. But apon telling him that, he turned his back on me and ignored me. Yet again, this would not normally lead me to doing this report. Yet apon attempting to comunicate to him, he used a smoke bomb to slip into the shadows were he reapeared next to my horse. Apon reapearing he started to feed the horse some green slime, the same slime the scouts use on their kryss' to poison their foes. When seeing this, i naturally got furious and procceded to punish the junior. In my attempt he refused to carry out my orders and was incredibaly disrespectful towards me. When officer cadet Kal Shadowhand and Regular Jennifer tried to get him to follow my orders he used another smoke bomb and fanished of.

As i never got the chance to force him to do his punishment, i will here.

Ben radua most clean the barracks and covian fortress to perfection.
I want a report to be posted on this thread.

Title: Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua
Post by: Jenifer Feather on March 06, 2006, 08:31:17 pm
Appologies accepted. Nay let it happen again because you know th' law, your lucky your not 100 gold poorer! I do agree tha' Ben needs some more discipline, love th' guy dearly bu' he's a bit mad an' hot headed! I shall do my best ter make sure he does his duty.

Signed : Jenifer Feather

Title: Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua
Post by: Shadwell on March 06, 2006, 08:39:09 pm
It is hardly your place to hand out punishments Sendrich. You may issue such a request with the squads commanding officer or Army command.

Title: Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua
Post by: Samuel West on March 06, 2006, 08:46:41 pm
The last time i checked, i was given the right when i was given the rank above his.

Nay disrespect ment in the comment sir.

Title: Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua
Post by: Ben Radau on March 06, 2006, 08:47:51 pm
*walks past the boards and reads the post*
Ha, I will NEVER follow the orders of one of the beard pullers!
*spits on the floor.*
Has the brilliant Dragoon any prooves for his accusations? Who has ever heard of dwarves transforming into ferrets? Gah...
And if I want to poison his ugly transport, I would either use a spell or use a dose that instantly kills the beast. But as far as I could see, the ugly thing was healthy as a fish in the water. All I remember were harsh words by a rude horseman.
*walks away grumbling*

Title: Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua
Post by: Kal/Mathew on March 07, 2006, 09:07:55 am
As an Officer Cadet I will not stand for the Rivalry between Squads. We may be in different squads, But we are all on the same side. I can see whats going to happen if we don't nip this at the roots, If let go, this will soon lead to friends turning enemies and we can not have this, We have the Yewman to deal with and others this day tha' needs to be dealt with. As I see it anyone in any squad that starts trouble with another squad member no matter the rank needs to be flogged and taught a lesen on frienship.

I will have a talk with Ben on this matter at hand, Rest a sure I will get to the bottem of it.


       Officer Cadet: Kal ShadowHand

Title: Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua
Post by: Raiden Morana on March 07, 2006, 12:06:17 pm
I must agree with Officer Cadet Shadowhand.

I have been made aware of friction between my beloved Highlander squad and the Dragoons and although i'm nay officer we can nay fight our enemies if we is fightin' among ourselves!

I see no harm in friendly rivalry between guardsmen or indeed between squads - i think it is crucial fer morale. But if it is taken too far and to an extreme it will cause bad blood which is nay use to the Baronship!

As a proud Highlander i have the utmost respect fer the other squads and their members and i 'ope i can count many of 'em as meh friends so lets stand together, close ranks and fight fer eachother and fer Cove!


Raiden, Regular Highlander.

Title: Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua
Post by: Joey Lanai on March 07, 2006, 02:22:56 pm
"Ha, I will NEVER follow the orders of one of the beard pullers!"

I do hope your not refering to the Dragoons, you WILL follow orders of those superior to yourself regardless of your feelings, if you cant then you shouldnt have signed up.

If your found ignoring orders openly you may be demoted, you've been warned.

This matter will be solved when me and Valiro can speak with you both on duty, no further posts please.

 - Joey Lanai
Corporal, Army Command & Acting Administrator

Title: Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua
Post by: Darath Mithar on March 07, 2006, 03:44:12 pm
[OOC: I think that post by Ben is IC thing, not a post]

Title: Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua
Post by: Samuel West on March 07, 2006, 05:09:44 pm
Sorry to disobeying you r order Joey sir.
Just want to say this punishment was not meant to cause friction of any kind between Dragoons and Scouts.
It was a simple case of a guardsman being insubordinate.
If any friction was cause, as before, i apologise.

Title: Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua
Post by: Ben Radau on March 08, 2006, 07:28:38 am
[OOC: I think that post by Ben is IC thing, not a post]

[OOC] One of those who got it ;c) Sorry Thom, that I did it this way, but I wanted to get something solved that isnīt correct for an army in my opinion. Look on the OOC-boards... [/OOC]

Title: Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua
Post by: John Dell on March 08, 2006, 07:56:58 am
[OOC: I'd say take a few guards with you and beat him up.]

Title: Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua
Post by: Tweeso Pebble on March 09, 2006, 03:41:27 pm
Shame on you! ALL!
Do you all forget the one small single thing that's most important between the Sqauds? Well you show it here!
Discipline Is one thing and should be essenstial , but If you can't handle it yourself  and on place report it to a Command.

All Squads are forged toghether for a perfect Battle Accompany. The Highlander's maintains the Blockade as the Dragoons circles the Area. Grenadiers are heavy loaded up In a bunker. The Light Company gathers the critical information and how to strike on our Enemies.

Toghether we're strong.

Scout Sergeant Valiro Gryphonclaw
  Cove Army & Command

Title: Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua
Post by: Delcarakdur on March 09, 2006, 04:43:09 pm
Divided we fall, Together we stand.

I stand by Valiro' statement in this issue.

Delcarakdur, Highlander Corporal

Title: Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua
Post by: Joey Lanai on March 12, 2006, 03:35:58 pm
Enough babble, this problem has been solved.
