Title: Event Completed Post by: Raiden Morana on March 12, 2006, 08:05:01 pm A plainly written poster is nailed to the tavern door.
What: Tavern Night!!! When: 9pm GMT Friday 17th March 2006 Bring: Yerselves!!! Tavern night! YARR!!! Get yer glad rags on or if yer loike meh just yer rags and attend my tavern night at the Folk Tale House!!! There will be FREE ale an' liquor! YARR!!! A darts contest, a lottery and if i can get five plucky volunteers there will be music an' This is an open invitation to all civilians and members of the mighty Covian army! It is an ideal chance fer recruits tay get ter know eachother and their superiors, perhaps tay even find a mentor. It is also a chance for experienced guardsmen tay unwind, perhaps pick out an Civilians it's a chance tay get tay know guardsmen (especially ye lasses!), hawk yer wares and make people aware of any crafts an' services ye can offer. All in all i 'ope tay host a fine evenin' o' entertainment an' above all drinkin' fer the next part o' meh Baron's Loyalty. If yer fancy yerself as a musician sign below! If ye sign up ye can also put forward a name fer the band! Lap Harp: Lute: Drums: Bamboo Flute: Tamborine: *signed* Raiden, Regular Highlander. Title: Re: Tavern Night!!! 9pm GMT Fri 17th March 2006 Post by: Raiden Morana on March 15, 2006, 08:04:47 am *re-pins to the top of the board*
*mumbles something about no-one volunteering to play an instrument* Tavern Night!!! Ale, games, prizes, entertainment and the company of Raiden! Nay miss out!!! |