Title: Watchman Trial - Salidin Post by: Vince Valentine on March 17, 2006, 10:47:16 am Vince strokes his chin as he reads through some recently posted reports whilst sitting at his desk
Yes....yes, quite the guardsman this Salidin is becoming. Let's see if he's got what it takes to get his covian cap..... Greetings Salidin, It has come to my attention that you are almost ready to recieve ye Covian Cap. As ye well know, only those who truly be ready are given th' honour of wearing this most sacred of headgear. Therefore, it is time fer ye Watchman Trials...... Trial One A guardsman must be ready always, and even though ye'll mostly be with ye fellow guardsmen, there are times when ye'll find yeself alone an' in trouble! Te prepare ye fer this, i want ye te head te th' icy dungeon and slay me Five Frozen Ogre Lords! on yer own. Trial Two A Junior Guardsman mus' be able te lead, an' lead well! With your team of at least 4 other guardsmen, organise a hunt to Shame, making sure te stop by th' evil mages temple o' worship on th' third level. Show these sadistic bastards how we deal with their type! Trial Three Now, as me apprentice, tha' mean's ye'll nay doubt want te join th' finest squad in th' army, th' Grenadiers some day. Ye know th' Hunters lodge? I want a sentry set up on it, with at least three other guardsmen manning it with ye. Now this be th' Grenadiers pride an' joy, so nay be shy with 'em crates! I expect a full report on each trial, to be pinned in This Thread! Conditions The frozen ogres you must slay alone The Hunt to Shame must include at least Four other Guardsmen The sentry on the hunters lodge must be held for at least twenty minutes, and include at least three other guardsmen Good luck Salidin, ye complete these an' ye'll be one step closer te gaining not only yer covian cap, but also ye bronze arms. Signed Vince Valentine Title: Re: Watchman Trial - Salidin Post by: Salidin on March 17, 2006, 10:55:41 am Looks at the board see me Trial hmm about time me reckon better get to it
Title: Re: Watchman Trial - Salidin Post by: Salidin on March 17, 2006, 02:50:27 pm Trial one
After seeing me watchmans trial on the board i went straight to the bank to gather me suplies that i had set aside for when this momment i then took the long jorney to the ice dungeon once i got there i egan work on finding me a Artic Ogre i fought many cold spiders till i found a small corner with where they all laid asleep i slowly woke one and began to fight it it hit me hard to the point i was nearly unconsious but i drunk a special potion i had made that morning and i felt much better and solider on (http://img54.imageshack.us/img54/6645/test16af.png) After beat one two three and four i hunted a little longer to find five eventually i found and defeated and collected the heads as trophys for Vince and i went back to the barracks and left the heads on the steps for vince to find .(http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/3014/test22ku.png) Title: Re: Watchman Trial - Salidin Post by: Joey Lanai on March 19, 2006, 01:02:08 pm Please dont hand out trials until Atleast 5 of the 7 Promotion requirements are complete.
Locked until further notice. - Admin Title: Re: Watchman Trial - Salidin Post by: Joey Lanai on March 26, 2006, 07:51:57 pm Trials Unlocked, Lets see you in a cap eh?
- Admin Title: Re: Watchman Trial - Salidin Post by: Vince Valentine on March 27, 2006, 02:38:13 pm Hoorah! Good work Sal, and err thank ye fer ogre heads.
Ye can never have too many ogre heads i always say! *Nods firmly* Now finish 'em trials off eh? Signed Vince Valentine Officer Cadet Grenadiers Title: Re: Watchman Trial - Salidin Post by: Salidin on March 30, 2006, 01:21:06 pm Trial Two
When: 29/03/2006 Where:Shame Dungeon Bring: Avalible Kit Commanding Officer: Salidin Watchman Guardsmen in attendance: - Vincent Riefield Junior - Kyte Recruit - Leloo Recruit - Lothar Recruit After seein gthat me Watchman had been reposted on the board i went about tryig to Carry out me hunt to shame i went to the barracks to seek the assistance of some others i found sothree who was willing but we was lacking the fourth after sending off a few pigeons i got a reply and the Great leloo said that she would leave what she was doing and attend so we left for the Dungeon When we attend the entrance to the shield i had no knowledge of the location of the Mage temple which we need to attend so i delgated Vincent to lead the way through we Battle hard and came across some very powerfull elementals which we stayed togther and thought well Especially Vincent a great fighter (http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/3707/shame15ae.png) We finally reached the Mage temple and we began to enter we did have a problem that Pison eles were coming in from the out side but we duely dealt with them and pressed on and cleared the building of the all , give me a Yarr (http://img463.imageshack.us/img463/2313/shame29yq.png) Once all had been killed i ordered the team back to the entrance of the dungeon on the way killing a few more Eles once back the entrance macking sure all numbers were there we returned to the barracks where i thank the guards for there help in my trial and we tally up the gold and gave out 200 gold each and gave 4000 for the coffers signed Salidin Title: Re: Watchman Trial - Salidin Post by: Salidin on March 30, 2006, 01:32:05 pm Trail Three
When:29/03/2006 Where:Hunters lodge Bring: Regular Kit Commanding Officer: Salidin Watchmen Guardsmen in attendance: - Vince Valentine Officer Cadet - Jack Sinist Junior - Perun Recruit - Olchafa Serpant Regular Scout Got up this morning and thought right time to get done this last trail sent out a few pigeons to see who could help in my final task in my Sentry at the hunters lodge and asked to meet at the Barracks We all met and i was very pleased that Vince was there to see me action i got the team to build a great gate which was very secure and got the m to take up positions around the the inside and gave orders to keep good eye out there we sat for most of the night (http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/2963/sentry16ti.png) Half way throught the night i sent Out regular Scout to doo a sweep of the Lodge and of the surrounding area to see if he could see any think At day break i decided all was fine for another day and i thnaked all the Guards and dissmised them to go about there buissness Signed Salidin Title: Re: Watchman Trial - Salidin Post by: Salidin on March 30, 2006, 01:33:55 pm Right then that all finished hopefully that get me me Cap and can try out for the Great Grenaiders YARR !
Let me no what you think Vince Yarr up the Grenaiders Salidin Title: Re: Watchman Trial - Salidin Post by: Delcarakdur on March 30, 2006, 05:11:15 pm Great work, you commitment will be rewarded soon enough!
*Signed* Delcarakdur, Highlander Corporal Title: Re: Watchman Trial - Salidin Post by: Vince Valentine on March 30, 2006, 06:06:08 pm Splendid work Sal!
Ye tackled ye trials head on, and proved ye be ready fer ye Covian Cap. Ye be mere steps away from ye Bronze arms! Keep up th' fine work *Beats chest* Signed Vince Valentine Officer Cadet Grenadiers |