Title: Report - A Scouts hunt to Destard Post by: Jenifer Feather on March 19, 2006, 02:40:36 pm Led By : Olchafa Serpernt
Present : Jenifer Feather Chaffers was restless, he needed ter do some hunting, so he called me to the barracks and explained the situation.. "I need ter slay some dragons! i NEED to!" "Alright Alright.... I'll come with you.. Lazy bum, lead me properly and i'll call it a hunt! Damn apprentice yer never going ter git promoted!" "I'm goign to lead you like you;ve never been led before! I'll be promoted by next week. i PROMISE!" With the idea of my apprentice finaly being taken off my hands we headed ter the dungeon destard where we did slay a fair few o' those scaley abominations! Down they fell, grabing th' hides to make dashing uniforms for the new scouts an' ter leave cluttering up th' scout halls... (http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/24/chaffshunt6nc.jpg) The dragons fall... Signed : Jenifer Feather |