Title: A note to: Nicholi, Salidin and Max Post by: Delcarakdur on March 20, 2006, 07:48:55 am I miss the reports for the following trainings as a part of the training rota for the Baron's Loyalty trials:
Friday the 10th March: Max O'Munpain, Basic Drill Saturday the 11th March: Nicholi Raventhorn, Fitness Training Sunday the 12th March: Salidin, Baic/Combat Drill Write them as soon as possible. Or I will be forced to inquire further why ye haven't done yer duty. *signed* Delcarakdur, Highlander Corporal Title: Re: A note to: Nicholi, Salidin and Max Post by: Salidin on March 20, 2006, 06:51:29 pm Ahh i was injured on the day of me trail and thus i was laid up in bed the trainng never happend
(occ had a operation on my leg on the saturday and couldn't get on sorry all ) Title: Re: A note to: Nicholi, Salidin and Max Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on March 20, 2006, 08:31:40 pm Oh, sir I am so terribleh sorreh, I got word on dat friday m' mum was Ill I hade te rush out te care fer her.
*Signed* Nicholi Ravnthron Junior Dragoon [OOC: My Grandmother hade another stroke on that firday, I hade to take her to the hospital, and I stay with her until she was released on monday. If there is a way I can make this training up, please let me know.] Title: Re: A note to: Nicholi, Salidin and Max Post by: Delcarakdur on March 20, 2006, 09:34:12 pm Next time let me know. But alas, you are still considered signed up for this. Get those training up on the events board ASAP!
*signed* Delcarakdur, Highlander Corporal [OOC: No probs doods, just let me know in the future. Cheers for the explanations!] |