Title: New Uniform... Post by: Kyte on March 22, 2006, 03:53:27 pm Aye, during the hunt at the Chaos Shrine, I was knocked on conscience (a couple o' times..) and the Yellow Succubus stood where I dropped my belongings and refused to surender them... Delcarakdur helped meh get some of meh uniform back, from cove but I need a few more pieces... If somebody could help meh out I would beh greatfull...
*~Signed~* Kyte, Guardsman Recruit Title: Re: New Uniform... Post by: Raiden Morana on March 22, 2006, 11:23:47 pm Amon Jarl enters the tavern to see Kyte accompanied by two ladies. Ahhh. Raiden your mentor requested that I seek you out and equip you with whatever you needed I hope the equipment i supplied you with is okay brave recruit. In fact I know it is more than okay because I crafted you the darned stuff. Take care of it and it will last you a lifetime. Well a recruits lifetime at least. Sorry ladies that I cannot stay to keep you entertained I have important business to take care of. Fair well you beauties and don't die too soon recruit. (http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/1490/citizenmale46zr.jpg) *signed flambouyantly* Amon Jarl, Covian Citizen, Merchant, Crafter & Scoundrel. |