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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Odenetheus on March 22, 2006, 08:11:23 pm

Title: Theatre auditions, 28/03/2006, 8 P.M. - Nujel'm theatre
Post by: Odenetheus on March 22, 2006, 08:11:23 pm
The Collegium invites any and all to memorize a thirty second long (OOC: Macro it) monologue, and play it for us at Nujel'm theatre, next tuesday. We will reward the three best participants with a role in the upcoming 'Deceitful liches: A story of two adventurers and a liche'. Also, these contestants will receive fifteen thousand (15.000) gold coins each.

Time: Eight post meridiem.
Place: The theatre of Nujel'm.

Collegium Ditio Potentia Lex,
the Board of Monitors,
Maestro Odenetheus